URS Recommendation #7
URS Recommendation #7 The Working Group recommends that all URS Providers require their examiners to document their rationale in sufficient detail to explain how the decision was reached in all issued Determinations. As an implementation guidance, the Working Group also recommends that URS Providers provide their examiners a uniform set of basic guidance for documenting their rationale for a Determination. The purpose of the guidance is to ensure consistency and precision in terminology and format as well as ensure that all steps in a proceeding are recorded. Such guidance may take the form of an administrative checklist or template of minimum elements that need to be included for a Determination. |
URS Providers vary in terms of the amount of guidance they provide their Examiners with respect to issuing Determinations. They also vary in the use of a template Determination form. The Working Group reviewed data from over 900 URS cases and found that there are some inconsistencies across Examiners as to whether or not rationale or justifications are provided (and in what detail) for their findings in the issued Determination. The Working Group’s case review also indicated that a sufficient number of Determinations cited either inadequate or no rationale for the decisions, such that the WG recommends that URS Providers require their examiners to document their rationale in sufficient detail to explain how the decision was reached in all issued Determinations.
Nevertheless, some Working Group members cautioned against micromanaging and imposing burdensome guidance on panelists, who have limited time and compensation in handling URS cases.