Sunrise Recommendation #1

Sunrise Recommendation #1

Sunrise Recommendation #1 

In the absence of wide support for a change to the status quo, the Working Group recommends that the current availability of Sunrise registrations only for identical matches should be maintained, and the matching process should not be expanded.


The Working Group had diverging opinions on this matter. 

The Working Group members who supported the expansion of the matching criteria believed that the current exact match system is limiting. Other Working Group members opposed the expansion due to concerns including, but not limited to: 1) costs associated with the expansion, 2) potential deterrence to good-faith registration, 3) limited current usage of “expanded match” via abused labels, and 4) existing issues related to TMCH’s acceptance of non-standard character claim marks and common/dictionary words, and the broad scope of registration within the TMCH. 

The Working Group ultimately concluded that the availability of Sunrise registrations only for identical matches should be maintained.