NARALO AC Chat 2015.11.09
Terri Agnew: (11/9/2015 12:56) Dear all, Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Meeting on Monday 09 November 2015 at 20:00 UTC
Terri Agnew: (12:56) meeting page:
Allan Skuce: (13:49) Greetings
Terri Agnew: (13:53) NARALO slide show URL:
Alfredo Calderon: (13:55) Hello, to all. Hola a todos.
Allan Skuce: (13:55) Elevator +
Glenn McKnight: (13:55)
seth Reiss: (14:00) I am hearing music. Am I the only one?
Gordon Chillcott: (14:00) I don't hear it, Seth
Silvia Vivanco: (14:01) Hello all
seth Reiss: (14:01) OK, figured it out, thanks
Yubelkys: (14:03) Hola
Silvia Vivanco: (14:04) Hola Yubelkys bienvenida
Yubelkys: (14:04) Gracias Silvia
Terri Agnew: (14:05) Welcome Alan Greenberg
Terri Agnew: (14:07) Welcome Eve Edelson
Eve Edelson: (14:07) Hello all
Heidi Ullrich: (14:09) Hi, All!
Silvia Vivanco: (14:10) Thank you Glenn for reviewing the commitments made in the MOU
Heidi Ullrich: (14:11) The WG webinar Glenn noted is at:
Terri Agnew: (14:12) Welcome Murray McKercher
Glenn McKnight: (14:12) Thanks
Glenn McKnight: (14:13) Ariel and Laura you will be next
Murray McKercher: (14:13) Thanks Terri, sorry I am late - audio is good!
Glenn McKnight: (14:13) Hi Murray you will be on the agenda for .MOBI
Murray McKercher: (14:14) @Glenn OK
Glenn McKnight: (14:17) @Joly we should start soon the Website update from Ariel and Laura
Joly MacFie: (14:18) ok
Joly MacFie: (14:19) I may just receord it and look later.
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) Garth is wrapping up
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) go ahead
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) no audio
Glenn McKnight: (14:19) yes
Ariel Liang: (14:20) This is the URL of the beta site:
Glenn McKnight: (14:20) Thanks
Glenn McKnight: (14:20) Please provide your feedback to Laura and Ariel
Garth Bruen: (14:21) Thanks all for listening
Glenn McKnight: (14:22) Thanks for the upade
Glenn McKnight: (14:22) update
Glenn McKnight: (14:25) @Dev will be joining the call as well who is the Chair of Social Media
Glenn McKnight: (14:25) He will demo the RALO reporting template
Terri Agnew: (14:26) Welcome Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Glenn McKnight: (14:28) @ariel one more minute
Garth Bruen: (14:28) FYI, just forwarded an update on the budget question to Glenn and Judith
Laura Bengford: (14:29) Please feel free to send your feedback to us on the WIKI page,
Glenn McKnight: (14:29) Another change on agenda Murray will be next
Heidi Ullrich: (14:29) Please update your ALS page :)
Heidi Ullrich: (14:29) with activities, a group shot, etc
Laura Bengford: (14:31) The new At-Large website, is live and updated and in parallel with the existing site. Please start using it and let us know what you think!
Leah Symekher: (14:31) great website
Heidi Ullrich: (14:31) Glenn, if you took a group photo of NARALO in Dublin, please send it to Ariel. She can update the NARALO page photo
Laura Bengford: (14:31) Planning for full launch by January!
Murray McKercher: (14:31)
Eve Edelson: (14:32) yes
Glenn McKnight: (14:32) yes
Yubelkys: (14:32) Yes
Glenn McKnight: (14:32) Please provide your comments
Glenn McKnight: (14:32) Thanks Murray for the written report
Ariel Liang: (14:32) Thanks all! To provide feedback on the beta site, you can write to Laura and I directly,
Ariel Liang: (14:32) or post your comment on this wiki page:
Glenn McKnight: (14:33) Please provide your comments to Ariel to Laura
Laura Bengford: (14:33) Thank you for your time, I'll be dropping off now...
Ariel Liang: (14:33) thank you all! I will drop off as well
Glenn McKnight: (14:33) @Joe delayed ICANN outreach to Jan or Feb
Terri Agnew: (14:33) Thank you for joining Laura
Terri Agnew: (14:33) and Ariel
Terri Agnew: (14:34) Outreach and Engagement:
Terri Agnew: (14:34) NARALO Newsletter:
Murray McKercher: (14:35) Thanks to all ..I must leave the call early
Terri Agnew: (14:35) goodbye Murray
Alan Greenberg: (14:35) Is Eduardo going to continue working on the newsletter now that he is no longer an LAAC member?
Heidi Ullrich: (14:36) Great job on the newsletter, Eduardo!
Heidi Ullrich: (14:36) @Alan, yes. He said he would work on the newsletter for about a year and then hand off
Alan Greenberg: (14:36) Great.
Glenn McKnight: (14:38) Perhaps with CIRA membership meeting
Terri Agnew: (14:38) Finance and Budget FY17:
Glenn McKnight: (14:38) yes
Alan Greenberg: (14:39) I cannot speak.
Glenn McKnight: (14:39) Action item : Call for volunteers for FBSC
Glenn McKnight: (14:39) @Heidi we used the same template for the GA
Heidi Ullrich: (14:40) That should be ok
Alan Greenberg: (14:41) I am on the call but cannot speak.
Terri Agnew: (14:41) Policy Advice Development Page:
Alan Greenberg: (14:42) Ariel can give update on status of each.
Glenn McKnight: (14:42) Go ahead Silvia
Alan Greenberg: (14:44) I have to drop off now. Good meeting.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:44) Google :
Terri Agnew: (14:44) At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:44)
Glenn McKnight: (14:45) @terry can you place the template on the screen
Garth Bruen: (14:46) Tor, cool!
Terri Agnew: (14:46) Captioning:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:46) As a FYI - here's the presentation of the TTF done for the Dublin meeting :
Terri Agnew: (14:46) outreach and engagement:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:47)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:48)
Glenn McKnight: (14:50) Thanks Ed
Terri Agnew: (14:50) Policy Advice Development Page:
Ariel Liang: (14:50)
Terri Agnew: (14:50) ICANN Public Comment page:
Glenn McKnight: (14:51) Note that the new gTld working group needs a chair
Terri Agnew: (14:54) ALS Criteria & Expectations Taskforce:
Eve Edelson: (14:56) not this time thank you
Yubelkys: (14:56) No thanks
Le-Marie Thompson: (14:57) no, thanks
Yubelkys: (14:57) Excellent meeting and sumary!
Allan Skuce: (14:57) Thanks. Bye
Silvia Vivanco: (14:57) Thank you all
Eve Edelson: (14:57) thanks for reminder about IGF! good bye all
Glenn McKnight: (14:57) thanks
Silvia Vivanco: (14:57) bye now
Glenn McKnight: (14:57) bye
Yubelkys: (14:57) Bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:57) Thanks everyone, take care all
Gordon Chillcott: (14:57) Bye for now
Terri Agnew: (14:57) IGF Remote Participation 2015 :