NARALO 2015.07.13 Teleconference

NARALO 2015.07.13 Teleconference

NARALO Monthly Teleconference - CANCELLED

Date: Monday, 13 July 2015

Time: 19:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)  

This meeting has been cancelled

How can I participate in this meeting? 1(800)550-6865, Teleconference ID: 1638

Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/naralo/

(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)

Dial out Participants:  


Staff:  Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Joe Catapano, Terri Agnew

Call management: Terri Agnew

Summary Minutes:    

Action Items: Action Items 13 July 2015

Transcript:   EN   

Chat: AC Chat transcript 13 July 2015                

Recording: EN


1.0 Welcome and Roll call - (Garth/Judith) (5 min)

2.0. ALAC Policy Development Activities  (5 minutes)

    1. Statements approved by the ALAC:
    2. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
    3. Statements that seem to be stalled:
      • None
    4. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements: 
    5. New Public Comment requests requiring decision: 

 3. Community Updates & Recruitment Drive (30 minutes)

3.1 Recruitment Drive for Working Groups. (Outreach & Engagement, Capacity Building, Metrics, New Meeting Strategy, Social Media, At Large Review) (Judith)

3.2 Vacancies -CROPP Need to be either a member of Outreach or Finance and Budget (Allan or Staff)

3.3 ALAC (Glenn/Eduardo/Alan)

3.4 NARALO Newsletter (Eduardo)

3.5 NARALO-originated Special Budget requests (Judith/Glenn)
(link: At-Large FY16 Budget Development Workspace)

3.6 IANA transition issues (Olivier)

3.7 IANA Accountability Issues (Leon/Olivier)

3.8  Monthly Report  Template- http://tinyurl.com/pv3mgdw   (Glenn)

3.9 Re-Chartering of Outreach Committee (Alan or Dev if he can make it)

4. Elections and Leadership Positions (15 minutes)

4.1 NARALO leadership positions -Nominations closed (Garth)

See : NARALO  Webinar to Get to Know the Candidates 2015.05.08

a) ALAC Representative 1) Garth Bruen and Avri Doria  2) Alan Greenberg to fill Glenn"s seat
b) Chair - Glenn McKnight
c) Secretariat- Judith Hellerstein and Louis Houle
d) Unaffiliated Member Representative
e) Nominating Committee Representative Eduardo

4.2 At Large  Review  Appointment 
At-Large Review Working Party 2015 - 2019

5. Any Other Business - (Garth (5 min)

6. Adjournment