EURALO Board 2016.02.15 Teleconference AC Chat
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to today's EURALO Board Call taking place on Monday, 15 February 2016 at 20:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Jordi Iparraguirre:hi everyone
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome everyone
Yesim Nazlar:Hi Jordi!
Silvia Vivanco:we should start in few minutes
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:and the By laws task force:
Jordi Iparraguirre:i d join too
Jordi Iparraguirre:sems the mic does not work again.
Jordi Iparraguirre:sorry
Silvia Vivanco:Te he anotado Jordi
Silvia Vivanco:Jordi noted as member as well
Jordi Iparraguirre:gracias
Wolf Ludwig:Perhaps some of it but don't forget that cultures are rather different ...
Wolf Ludwig:There will be regular updates during our regular calls ...
Silvia Vivanco:The work will be documented in the respective wiki pages
Silvia Vivanco:and if the task calls will have recordings and transcripts
Silvia Vivanco:you can review those records
Wolf Ludwig:I suggest that Annette must be part of this TF because she was primarily involved for the creation of the bylaws!
Wolf Ludwig:*in* the creation ...
Silvia Vivanco:Mihhail I have noted you in the membership list for the By laws task force
Silvia Vivanco:You are correct Mikhail, the other RALOs have "Operating Principles"
Wolf Ludwig:The rules of procedures of ALAC a as important as this and binding for us!
Wolf Ludwig:... and finally 2/3rd majority will be needed for this -- we have to keep this in mind!
Silvia Vivanco:Annette should I note your name as member of the TaskForce?
Yrjö Länsipuro:Wolf +1 -- a lot of work was done in renewing ALAC ROP, it is a good reference
Wolf Ludwig:She is not on AC Silvia ...
Silvia Vivanco:Thanks Wolf, I take her she is willling to be a member
Wolf Ludwig:I volunteer as well.
Silvia Vivanco:noted Wolf
Silvia Vivanco:Okay yes I will send 2 separate emails for each task force
Silvia Vivanco:yes
Silvia Vivanco:Olivier will do
Silvia Vivanco:Deadline END of April for EURALO
Silvia Vivanco:we can do 2 languages
Silvia Vivanco:Russian for example
Silvia Vivanco:and one more
Silvia Vivanco:yes Olivier thank you for the summary and apologies for my bad connection
Jordi Iparraguirre:much of the content may be similar to apralo and lacralo.
Jordi Iparraguirre:lets focus on our messages
Wolf Ludwig:Plus 1, Jordi -- let's concentrate on 2 - 3 Key messages!
Silvia Vivanco:and if some of you have good group pictures of the entire membership we could use it in the flyer (GA Dublin photos)
Yesim Nazlar:EURALO 2016.02.16 Teleconference:
Jordi Iparraguirre:i may arrove a bit late as i have a meeting in town and have to drive back
Silvia Vivanco:It will be updated by Ariel (PC)
Jordi Iparraguirre:arrive
Silvia Vivanco:I will add any other hyperlinks
Silvia Vivanco:See calendar:
Silvia Vivanco:its empty please send your inputs to Outreach and Engagement member and they will post it
Wolf Ludwig:To add: Congrats to Matthieu's daughter -- as a new member :-)
Silvia Vivanco:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:or:
Silvia Vivanco:I will keep it updated with your inputs!
Silvia Vivanco:please send me stuff you would like to post
Silvia Vivanco:the most current/relevant
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks and good night!
Jordi Iparraguirre:thank you. bye!
Yrjö Länsipuro:Congratulations Matthieu!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Silvia Vivanco:bye bye