EURALO 15.09.2010 General Assembly
EURALO General Assembly 2010
Meeting Location: Room 6 at LITEXPO Vilnius
Date: 15 September 2010
Time: 18:00 - 20:30 Vilnius Time (17:00 - 19:30 CEST, 15:00 - 17:30 UTC). For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.0910/1
ALS Representatives (12/27 ALSes present):
Association for Technology and Internet (APTI) - Ancela Danciu
Comunica-ch - Wolf Ludwig
E-Seniors - Sebastien Bachollet
Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft - Lutz Donnerhacke (participated remotely)
ISOC Belgium - Rudi Vansnick (participated remotely)
ISOC Belgium Wallonia - Christopher Wilkinson
ISOC Finland - Yrjö Länsipuro, Tommi Karttaavi
ISOC France - Sebastien Bachollet
ISOC Italy - Vittorio Bertola
Medienstadt Leipzig - Sandra Hoferichter
Netzwerk Neue Medien - Annette Mühlberg
Wikimedia CH - Wolf Ludwig
EURALO Board Members (5/7 present)
Wolf Ludwig (Chair)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond (Secretariat)
Annette Mühlberg
Rudi Vansnick (participated remotely)
Lutz Donnerhacke (participated remotely)
Guests: Evan Leibovitch, Desiree Milosevic, Yuliya Morenetset (Together Against Cybercrime - France), Tijani Ben Jemaa
Apologies: Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Adam Peake, Dessi Greve
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger
Summary Minutes: Draft Summary Minutes 15 September 2010
Action Items: Action Items 15 September 2010
Recording: English
Interpretation: none
D O C U M E N T S:
GA minutes from March 09, Mexico-City
Draft EURALO Board Report 2010
EURALO Budget Proposals 2010-11
1. Welcome
- a. Approval of the GA-agenda
- b. Approval of the GA minutes from March 09, Mexico-City.
2. Board’s report 2009-10 (on the basis of the monthly Secretariat’s reports)
a. Approval of the Board’s report.
3. Discussion and approval of the EURALO working programme and projects 2010-11 (updates from the previous 2009-10)
- a. Approval of EURALO’s working budget 2010-11,
- b. Need of budget allocation for EURALO operation and outreach.
4. EURALO INreach (conclusions based on the last ALAC-ALS-Survey 2010) and OUTreach activities and improvements.
5. Review of EURALO’s By-laws and needs for revision
(As noted in Paris and reaffirmed in Mexico-City) regarding individual users participation and full membership at EURALO (suggestions for By-law revisions will be submitted prior to the next GA) and discussion of any other relevant changes.
6. Approval of EURALO’s ALAC nominations (as communicated via the list)
(see EURALO 2010 Election Overview)
- a. Other EURALO seats at ICANN and ALAC.
7. EURALO Board elections
(see Board Nominations 2010)
Background Information:
Current and past EURALO Board members)
8. EURALO meetings - participation or organization.
- a. EURALO involvement and planning for EuroDIG 2011 in Belgrade (May 11)
- b. Planning for the EURALO GA spring 2011,
- c. Planning for the EURALO GA F2F in conjunction with ICANN No. 44 meeting - 24-29 June 2012 in EU.