EURALO Board Teleconferences Action Items
EURALO Board Teleconferences Action Items
22 November 2022
- Filina Natalia to send a EURALO Newsletter in the next week or so. Members are requested to forward to their networks.
- EURALO Board to assess their communications needs.
- EURALO Board to consider raising the issue of individual membership onboarding and mentorship.
- Gisella Gruber and sebastien.bachollet to schedule the EURALO ICANN76 read out or Tuesday, 28 March 2023 for two hours - IN PROGRESS
- The dates of the EuroDIG likely to be moved to later in June - perhaps starting on the 19th of June 2023.
- Silvia Vivanco , Gisella Gruber and Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a RALO coordination meeting through a Doodle. jonathan.zuck to be invited.
- sebastien.bachollet and Gisella Gruber to arrange to call the ALS reps that have not responded.
- Next Board call is 6 December 2022 and will focus on the agenda for the EURALO Monthly Meeting (6 December call was CANCELLED)
06 September 2022
No action Items recorded
26 July 2022
No action Items recorded
12 April 2022
No action Items recorded
10 May 2022
No action Items recorded
15 March 2022
No action Items recorded
15 February 2022
No action Items recorded
25 January 2022
- Gisella Gruber GG – to send O&E meeting date – once set – to the EURALO Board (NOTE MEETING POSTPONED TO POST ICANN73)
- Find additional members for the O&E SC. Currently Natalia EURALO rep. (Sébastien sent out cal for volunteers)
QUESTION – any suggestion on traction from our Community?
- Filina Natalia Gisella Gruber call for volunteers for the SoMe group, the position of EURALO Co-Chair is empty
05 October 2021
No action items recorded
14 September 2021
- clement.genty to confirm his leadership on the EGAP to prepare the Virtual EURALO General Assembly
- ALS Mobilisation Topics - Roberto and Yrjö to identify which topics EURALO Members need to make decisions on.
- Gisella Gruberto set up the EURALO Board Elections 2021 page (completed - dates WORK IN PROGRESS)
- How to better communicate with our ALSes - Natalia to present a plan on next Board call.
- Sébastien and Adam to confirm 9 November read-out
- Bylaws @Lutz to send a reminder
18 May 2021 - ICANN71 Focused
11 May2021
- EURALO GTH 8 June - Board Members to record a brief thank you message to play at end of session.
- EURALO Social Event:
- Gisella Gruber Filina Nataliato set up wiki page with detailed agenda in script format.
- Gisella Gruberto request 30min extension for Social Event: 16:00-17:30 CEST (14:00-15:30 UTC) - no interpretation required
- Gisella Gruberto switch Joint AFRALO AfrICANN Session with EURALO Policy Session
- FY22 ABRs: there needs to be coordination with staff to ensure agreement on timetable and priorities.
- EURALO Board elections around GA in December.
- Call with candidates depending on outcome of elections
27 April 2021
- None recorded
6 April 2021
- FR EURALO ICANN70 Read Out: Gisella Gruberto work with GAC Staff on GAC Rep outstanding
- Gisella Gruberto set up an ICANN71 Events page on the main EURALO portal
12 January 2021
- sebastien.bacholletto invite Sandra Hoferichter to join the EURALO Board.
- sebastien.bachollet to contact Maté Mesté on how to become more active
- Olawale Bakare to prepare a spreadsheet for the ABRs
- Further to Sébastien's presentation, Board members to inform if any task-force/WGs missing, inform Staff and/or Sébastien
- Gisella Gruberto set up EURALO calls as per presentation, after having checked bank holidays etc, to set up the calls as placeholders. IN PROGRESS
- Gisella Gruber : Update on ICANN70 Readout dates - dates to be transferred to the main EURALO wiki page. IN PROGRESS
- Gisella Gruberto follow up with the EURALO General Assembly planning committee (EGAP) members on their acceptance, set up mailing list and Skype chats. IN PROGRESS.