EURALO monthly August call -- Focus: DublinGeneral Assembly Preparation
EURALO monthly August call -- Focus: DublinGeneral Assembly Preparation
EURALO monthly August call – Focus: Dublin General Assembly Preparation
Date: Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.0715/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Adobe room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/euralo
Apologies: Jean-Jacques Subrenat
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Adobe Connect Chat: EN
Adobe Connect Chatroom: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/euralo
1. Welcome - Wolf
2. Roll Call and apologies - Staff
3. Action items from the July special issue call (@Staff – please insert link)
4. Brief summary on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments (Olivier – 10 min.) – to be updated by Staff
5. Status of registrations for the Dublin GA (Wolf and Staff – 5 min.)
(Note: out of 33 members 26 ALSes are confirmed – maybe even 28 – providing a solid level of participation)
6. Approved concept on format for the Dublin GA (Wolf and all – 10 min.)
- 2 parts à 90 minutes (content and regular GA procedures)
- Key (content) topic: the Public Interest (AM)
- followed by a lunch break and
- Regular GA part with usual requirements (Annual report, how to improve member participation, elections etc. – PM)
7. Drafting team for Agenda and Annual report 2014-15 (Wolf and all – 5 min.)
(Note: drafts need to be submitted until our September call!)
8. EURALO networking event – any particular ideas? (Wolf, Olivier and all – 5 min.)
(Note: it was decided NO Showcase but an inter-active format)
9. Nomination procedure for the next EURALO officers and timeline (Wolf and all – 10 min.)
(see yesterday's call for nominations, procedure and timeline)
10. Briefing on decision regarding procedure for EURALO Outreach Document (Wolf and all - 5 min.)
(decisions taken at our special call from 5 August 2015)
See new ALAC Outreach Document
11. Getting members to join the ALAC Outreach & Engagement Sub Committee (Dev Anand Teelucksingh – 5 min.)
12. Any other Business - (all - 5 min.)