EURALO 2016.03.22 Teleconference
EURALO Monthly March Teleconference
Date: Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 UTC For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.0316/1
How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638
Adobe room:
Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Wolf Ludwig, Oksana Prykhodko, Yrjö Lansipuro, Sebastien Bachollet, Stefano Trumpy, Narine Khachatryan, Alan Greenberg, Annette Muehlberg, Jimmy Schulz, Wale Bakare, Pedro Veiga, Lianna Galstyan, Sandra Hoferichter, Yuliya Morenets, Christopher Wilkinson, Jordi Iparraguirre
Apologies: Christoph Bruch
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gabriella Schittek, Yeşim Nazlar
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Adobe Connect Chat: EN
Adobe Connect Chatroom:
1. Roll Call and apologies - Staff
(added: Review of EURALO 2016.02.16 Teleconference Action Items )
2. Update on ICANN 55 – Olivier and Wolf - 15 min
2.1 Public Interest debate within ICANN’s remit, (recording posted, see Public Interest session in Marrakesh) and new Public Interest Working Group within At-Large.
See wiki Exploring the Public Interest within ICANN's Remit Home
2.2 IANA update
3. Brief summary of current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments (Olivier – 10 min.)
- See: Policy Advice Page on New At-Large Website Beta
- See: Policy Advice Development Page
- See: ICANN Public Comment page
a. Statements approved by the ALAC:
- None
b. Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Draft ICANN FY17 Operating Plan & Budget and Five-Year Operating Plan Update - Tijani BEN JEMAA drafting a Statement; Olivier Crépin-Leblond finalizing the White Paper on Multiyear Budget/GAs/At-Large Summits as part of the ALAC response to this Public Comment proceeding (closes )
- Draft Report: New gTLD Program Safeguards to Mitigate DNS - julie.hammer, with assistance from Olivier Crépin-Leblond, reviewing the public comment proceeding (closes )
- Final Report Recommendations of the Geographic Regions Review Working Group - Tijani BEN JEMAA, with assistance from jean-jacques.subrenat and narine.khachatryan, drafting a Statement (closes )
- Launch of Registration Authentication Platform for .MOI TLD - holly.raiche reviewing the public comment proceeding (closes )
- Draft Framework of Principles for Cross Community Working Groups - Alan Greenberg and Olivier Crépin-Leblond drafting a Statement; Cheryl Langdon-Orr to review the draft (closes )
- Notice of Preliminary Determination To Grant Registrar Data Retention Waiver Request for Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - filial af Ascio Technologies, Inc. USA - roberto.gaetano drafting an Advice to the Board related to this topic, but not a direct response (closes )
c. Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
d. Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
e. New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- None
4. CCWG/CWG Status update - Various (10 minutes)
CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability
5. EURALO Task Forces progress update:- Olivier and Wolf - 10 min
5.1 EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement
5.2 . Task Force on review and revision of the EURALO By-Laws
6. EURALO flyer update - Olivier - 3 min