Zoom chat: 2019-10-02 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

Zoom chat: 2019-10-02 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

11:12:47 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the AFRALO Monthly Call
11:19:46 From haroun mahamat cherif : hi everyone
11:27:58 From yaovi.atohoun : Hello everyone
11:30:10 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
11:30:12 From haroun mahamat cherif : hi
11:30:23 From Bolutife Adisa : Hi Everyone.
11:30:23 From davekissoondoyal : Bonjour, Bonsoir a tous
11:30:40 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome all
11:30:46 From silvia.vivanco : we are still gatherin
11:30:51 From silvia.vivanco : gathering
11:30:55 From Omar : Hello everyone
11:31:45 From Gabriel Bombambo : Bonsoir à tout le monde
11:32:12 From Minata ZONG-NABA : Good evening dear all
11:32:26 From Raymond Mamattah : Greetings from Accra, Ghana
11:32:56 From Oreoluwa Lesi : Hello all
11:33:03 From Jules NIZEYIMANA : Greetings from Kigali-Rwanda
11:33:26 From Remmy Nweke : Good evening
11:33:26 From Mohamed : Hello everyone
11:33:31 From heidi.ullrich : Hello, All!
11:34:20 From Isaac Maposa : Hello everyone.
11:34:26 From Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNÉ : Bonjour tout le monde!
11:35:50 From Sarah Kiden : Hi Colleagues
11:35:56 From Sarah Kiden : I’m joining now
11:36:08 From Remmy Nweke : welcome Sarah
11:37:01 From Hadia : hello sarah
11:37:03 From Sarah Kiden : delayed in class
11:38:22 From Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNÉ : Please call me on this number +23599249556. Thank you. Gabdibé
11:38:34 From Raymond Mamattah : that is not my name pls lol
11:42:01 From davekissoondoyal : lost Mohamed
11:42:01 From silvia.vivanco : Kindly all
11:42:04 From silvia.vivanco : mute your lines
11:42:08 From silvia.vivanco : If not speaking
11:42:10 From davekissoondoyal : yes it is ok now
11:45:02 From BIAOU Ramanou : Hi all
11:45:16 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi all
11:45:29 From silvia.vivanco : https://atlarge.icann.org/policy-summary
11:48:21 From silvia.vivanco : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/overview
11:48:39 From Seun Ojedeji : I wasn't at the last call but I see hadia's hand is up
11:48:39 From Sarah Kiden : Finally joined on computer
11:49:06 From Mohamed : Welcome Sarah
11:51:36 From Remmy Nweke : I join via the laptop. thanks
11:51:53 From Mohamed : Welcome Remmy
11:52:33 From Remmy Nweke : thanks Mohamed
12:00:12 From Raymond Mamattah : Pastor Peters has sent his apology for not attending the meeting. He has an emergency situation and cannot be part of the meeting.
12:00:37 From Mohamed : Pastor Peters apology is noted, Thanks
12:01:58 From Claudia Ruiz : Thank you, I will note Pastor Peter’s apology
12:02:52 From Hadia : I also spoke about the evoliution of the MSM
12:03:15 From Hadia : I also spoke about the evolution of the MSM
12:05:30 From Hadia : Thanks Tijani and Seun
12:05:35 From silvia.vivanco : AI; Abdulkarim to take the lead on AFRALO’s response on MSM public consultation
12:06:01 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you Hadia, Tijani and Seun for the updates
12:06:08 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Dave would you like to give an update on BSMPC
12:07:08 From Hadia : Congrats Aziz for that
12:07:28 From Michel TCHONANG : Bravo Aziz
12:08:17 From Mohamed : Any other updates about your ALS local activities
12:09:49 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Hello All My ALS HOUSE OF AFRICA in partnership with UNDP and French Institute of Chad we have organized SDG session for Youth
12:09:51 From Hadia : Congrats
12:10:52 From Mohamed : Great Abdeldjalil
12:11:17 From silvia.vivanco : UASG.TECH
12:11:29 From Daniel K Nanghaka : great work on Universal Acceptance
12:11:30 From silvia.vivanco : Website on screen and linked to the agenda
12:13:31 From Sarah Kiden : Happy to hear these updates!
12:13:46 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : congratulations Galila
12:14:09 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : Congrats @abdelmonem
12:14:51 From Remmy Nweke : Weldone, good efforts
12:15:34 From Abdalmonem Galila : thanks you all
12:17:21 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : Seems that there is nothing shared in the screen, or I'm the only who have this problem?
12:17:46 From Claudia Ruiz : @chokri, you might need to refresh your screen
12:17:56 From Claudia Ruiz : The agenda is being shared
12:18:06 From Mohamed : Remmy, Ramanou > Speaker queue
12:18:12 From silvia.vivanco : @Chokri, staff is showing the Agenda wiki page
12:18:28 From silvia.vivanco : Are you able to see it- if not it will be an issue on your end
12:18:44 From Sarah Kiden : Yes, we can hear
12:18:48 From Abdalmonem Galila : thanks I have to leave
12:18:50 From Jules NIZEYIMANA : yes
12:18:51 From Hadia : yesn we ca
12:19:47 From Mohamed : idea of a statement or we can have members speaking in the open forum
12:20:03 From Sarah Kiden : Open forum is a good idea
12:20:31 From Mohamed : Ramanou > Abdulkarim
12:20:33 From Sarah Kiden : We can have the statement though it will not be read during the meeting as we shall not have the joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting this time round
12:22:42 From Sarah Kiden : Though I agree that the country selected should not be this complex to get visas. I think this has been one of the toughest
12:24:01 From Sarah Kiden : I agree with Daniel! Kudos to the Travel team for all the support
12:24:15 From Mohamed : I agree, Travel team are very supportive
12:25:02 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I agree with Daniel. But travel team delayed issueing out hotel. if that have done that early people would have been able to apply again with more time
12:25:12 From Remmy Nweke : From my prism, its all about generating income for the country, hence they are not giving anyone option of appeal but reapplication, which goes with visa fee.
12:25:42 From Sarah Kiden : +1 to selection of meeting venues
12:26:28 From Remmy Nweke : What exactly was the essence of codified invitation letter by icann travel?
12:26:44 From heidi.ullrich : @All, you may have seen Nick Tomasso’s (head of meetings) response to Maureen’s note:
12:26:47 From heidi.ullrich : In part: Joseph has reached out to all funded travelers on their visa application status. As predicted, some have received denials … 13 to be exact. It is not unusual to see this number of visa denials for an ICANN Meeting anywhere in the world.

Joseph has now triggered the next phase of the visa process, which is:

Determine if those denied would like to re-apply, and provide support as necessary.
Engage with our Canadian partners, as mentioned above, and seek their support to reconsider the visa denials.
12:26:53 From Daniel K Nanghaka : it has been a worry right from the time when the Meeting Venue was selected
12:27:09 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : I have never seen anything like this visa process in my life.
12:27:48 From Remmy Nweke : its very strange
12:28:57 From Michel TCHONANG : +1 Tijani
12:29:05 From Daniel K Nanghaka : Thanks Tijani for the highlight on meetings team
12:29:17 From Michel TCHONANG : +1 Tijani
12:29:23 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : we can only speak at the public forum if we are able to attend. some of us are already planning to boycott ICANN 66 if others cant visa
12:30:03 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you @Tijani for representing our views
12:30:06 From Seun Ojedeji : @Abdul you can comment online
12:31:06 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : ok, Seun
12:31:41 From Sarah Kiden : Hi Yaovi, good to see you on our call. Welcome!
12:31:46 From Michel TCHONANG : Je pense qu'il faudrait que nous puissions adresser une lettre formelle à ce sujet au CEO en plus de la déclaration publique
12:32:41 From Michel TCHONANG : Nous avons eu la même situation pour la grande bretagne et après pas d'action pour la suite
12:33:35 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : je suis d'accord avec toi Michel
12:34:51 From silvia.vivanco : the sample is linked to the Agenda
12:35:15 From Sarah Kiden : We also created a mailing list for the team
12:35:45 From Mohamed : Thanks Remmy, Sarah and team
12:35:59 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : great Job Remmy and the team
12:36:01 From Mohamed : It will be great to publish the first newsletter issue before ICANN66
12:36:05 From Hadia : Excellent work - when is the next meeting?
12:36:21 From bob.ochieng : Very good initiative indeed!
12:36:40 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : Bonsoir à tous
12:36:46 From Mohamed : We can also publish ALS local activities news
12:36:54 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : would there also be a French and Arabic version?
12:36:56 From Daniel K Nanghaka : am happy that this has kicked off
12:37:03 From Hadia : Bravo Remmy, Sarah and team
12:37:20 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : Gisella pourriez vous m'appeler sur le +22366055951
12:37:26 From Mohamed : If you need any help on the content, please ask
12:37:56 From Sarah Kiden : Hand raised @Mohamed. Will respond
12:38:00 From Michel TCHONANG : Très beau travail, félicitations à toute l'équipe
12:38:10 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : J'etais pris dans terrible ambouteillage je n'ai pas pu decrocher
12:40:11 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : Can I have a diall-out on french chanel at +22366055951
12:40:44 From Michel TCHONANG : Claudia doit s'occuper de toi Bakary
12:40:45 From Omar : Arabic newsletter @ Mohamed for Arabic speaker ALS members ??
12:41:04 From Sarah Kiden : @All, we agreed to start with English and French
12:41:04 From Claudia Ruiz : @Bakary Dialing out now, thank you
12:41:11 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : OK
12:42:17 From Hadia : @Omar should it be a direct translation of the original?
12:42:51 From Hadia : Great work Remmy
12:42:54 From Omar : @ Hadia , Sure
12:43:20 From Mohamed : @Omar would you support on the Arabic Newseletter
12:43:33 From Remmy Nweke : Yes, @Hadia, it should be and with Olevie
12:43:42 From Daniel K Nanghaka : Sorry, I have to drop now
12:43:52 From Hadia : @Remmy thanks
12:44:07 From Daniel K Nanghaka : Preparing to join my next meeting
12:44:29 From Mohamed : It can be translated to Arabic as well
12:44:41 From Omar : @Mohamed , Pleasure
12:44:51 From Sarah Kiden : Yes, we had volunteers with English, French and Arabic. We can have the 3 languages
12:45:06 From Mohamed : Next 2 weeks for finalizing the content
12:45:37 From silvia.vivanco : Newsletter - Deadline to collect inputs - Oct 12
12:45:59 From Michel TCHONANG : On peut faire un journal vraiment bilingue, une partie en français et l'autre en anglais sans que cela soit une traduction de la même information
12:46:41 From Michel TCHONANG : il faut envoyer la ligne éditoriale par émail aux membres
12:47:34 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : félicitations alif Maburuk
12:47:37 From heidi.ullrich : Congratulations, Mohamed and Fatimata for your excellent leadership!!!!
12:47:42 From Hadia : Thank you so much Mohamed and fatimata
12:47:49 From Omar : join Silivia wishes
12:47:49 From heidi.ullrich : We look forward to celebrating more in Montreal!
12:47:52 From Claudia Ruiz : Thank you Mohamed and Fatimata!
12:47:52 From bob.ochieng : Many thanks Mohamed!
12:47:54 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you Mohamed and Fatimata for the work!
12:47:58 From Barrack Otieno : Yeap
12:48:05 From Michel TCHONANG : Congratulation à toute cette équipe
12:48:06 From Hadia : Mohamed you were a great leader to this group
12:48:09 From silvia.vivanco : Thank you Mohamed and Fatimata for leading AFRALO as this is your last monthly meeting as leaders
12:48:09 From heidi.ullrich : Welcome to the incoming and continuing leaders!
12:48:14 From Barrack Otieno : Where will the Party be?
12:48:20 From heidi.ullrich : Montreal!
12:48:21 From silvia.vivanco : We are looking forward to working with the incoming leaders :)!
12:48:33 From Seun Ojedeji : Thanks a lot Muhamed
12:48:42 From Remmy Nweke : Thanks Mohamed and Fatimata. Good luck to the incoming team
12:48:54 From Hadia : Thank you Mohamed and fatimata for all your work, effort and time with AFRALO and hope we continue working together
12:49:05 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks to Mohamed and Fatimata
12:49:08 From yaovi.atohoun : Thank you Mohamed and your team. Thanks to all.
12:49:12 From yaovi.atohoun : bye
12:49:14 From bob.ochieng : Bye to all!
12:49:18 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you all and bye
12:49:21 From Ejikeme Egbuogu : bye all
12:49:21 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks and bye
12:49:22 From Ben Kyemba : Thank you all
12:49:22 From Barrack Otieno : Bye everyone
12:49:23 From davekissoondoyal : bye
12:49:24 From Michel TCHONANG : Merci à tous et bonne journée
12:49:31 From Gabriel Bombambo : bye
12:49:31 From Femi Falobi : Thank you all
12:49:32 From Femi Falobi : Bye
12:49:33 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : Thank you Mohamed and Fatima ta for all what you did
12:49:34 From Hadia : bye
12:49:39 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : bye
12:49:58 From Minata ZONG-NABA : merci à tous. Bye