ATLAS II Communications 2014.03.05 AC Chat EN
Gisella Gruber-White: Welcome to the ATLAS II Communication Working Group call on Wednesday 5 March2014 at 2000 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Roberto:Hi, all - do I have a headphone problem or nobody is speaking?
Roberto:Oooooops... sorry, my fault, wrong call
Franco Moya AGEIA DENSI:hello everyone
Natalia Enciso:Hello Everyone!
Eduardo Diaz:!hola a todos! - Connecting to the spanish channel
Julia Charvolen:Thank you Eduardo for notifying us
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Hello everyone
carlos dionisio aguirre:everyone of us are very sick
Julia Charvolen:Carlos - Can you please mute Adobe Connect micorphone thank you
Julia Charvolen:microphone *
carlos dionisio aguirre:hola a todos - hi all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Darlene Thompson:Is it room 1638?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Should be
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:My apologies it is 3535
Julia Charvolen:The room is 3535
Darlene Thompson:Got it - thanks
Julia Charvolen:Thank you Darlene
Natalia Enciso:can you call me back?
Natalia Enciso:just drop while talking
Heidi Ullrich:Interpretors can't interpret
Julia Charvolen:Natalie we are dialing out to you now
Julia Charvolen:Natalia
Natalia Enciso:thanks!
Natalia Enciso:In the meantime I can continue here
Natalia Enciso:We need more volunteers for the Interview Sub-Group
Natalia Enciso:there is no volunteer for this Sub-Group.
Natalia Enciso:Juan Manuel can you say how many would you need to help you?
carlos dionisio aguirre:i lost communication, please call me again, thanks
Darlene Thompson:Yes
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Yes
Julia Charvolen:Carlos - We are dialing back to you
Juan Manuel Rojas P:For now, it depends number to people to interview.
Juan Manuel Rojas P:By now, just RALO Leaders
Heidi Ullrich:Hi, there are a lot of subWGs
Heidi Ullrich:and I am concerned that all of these groups will be very challlenging to managed
Natalia Enciso:Heidi, yes there are. But we have a lot of works and quite a good pool of volunteers.
Julia Charvolen:Maricarmen Sequera joined the meeting
Natalia Enciso:Olivier can you provide us with the name and contact of the Atlas II Logistic WG, to contact them to work with them?
Heidi Ullrich:@Natalia, this is great that there are many volunteers, but do they need to be in so many groups?
Heidi Ullrich:Who will manage all these groups in an effective manner?
Heidi Ullrich:and we won't be able to have so many mailingn lists
Heidi Ullrich:Staff just can't handle the support of so many groups
Heidi Ullrich:we will have almost 20 groups for the summit
Natalia Enciso:They are sub-groups of this WG. We dont want another mailing-list for each of them.
Natalia Enciso:We will have a call with every Leader of each Sub-Group to manage them with the 3 co-chairs.
Heidi Ullrich:Coordinate as well as with staff
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Are these listed/documented on the wiki ?
Heidi Ullrich:@Natalie, might I suggest that each leader provide updates on the comms call rather than have too many calls?
Heidi Ullrich:it is far easier
Heidi Ullrich:Natalia - sorry!
Natalia Enciso:Yes Heidi. We will do that. We are just arranging the work and members. This morning we sent an email to all the Sub-Group leaders with this information Dev. Hope you have received it.
Julia Charvolen:Maricarmen - We can dail out to you if you like
Natalia Enciso:We provided it for the call too. And will upload at the wiki as well.
Julia Charvolen:please provide a number
Heidi Ullrich:@Natalia, could you please re-send the message?
Natalia Enciso:Maricarmen +595 981 100375
Julia Charvolen:Thank you Natalia
Julia Charvolen:Maricarmen joined the call
carlos dionisio aguirre:@dev your turn in 2 minutes, thanks
Julia Charvolen:yes we can hear you Maricarmen
Heidi Ullrich:Maricarmen, re the colors of the newsletter, I assume you mean the At-Large logo colors
Heidi Ullrich:those used in Mexico, during the first summit - rather than the colors of Mexico (as was interpreted)
Heidi Ullrich:The colors are: red, green, yellow, blue and orange and purple for ALAC
Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi: Who hosted the Mexico page? Can it be done in Wordpress by ICANN?
Heidi Ullrich:It was on the At-Large webpage
Natalia Enciso:@Heidi she meant those used in the Atlas I
Heidi Ullrich:Great, re colors!
carlos dionisio aguirre:@dev, timeline is in front of you , we willtry to respect it
Natalia Enciso:Want to clarify that the Desing and WebPage was specifically asked to choose open format so everyone can have access and taking into account the low band-with of our regions.
Natalia Enciso:All the sub-groups are going to work in coordination because the tasks of some of them are transveral.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: social media - it is also important to figure out what the goal of social media - inform the ALSes attending
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:or wider public awareness
Heidi Ullrich:A Social Media strategy should be developed
Heidi Ullrich:and limited to what will be effective
Natalia Enciso:Sergio and all Sub-Groups leaders. I already sent that information this morning and resent it recently.
Heidi Ullrich:rather than trying to do all SM at once
Heidi Ullrich:what is the objective of the SM? Who is the target?
Juan Manuel Rojas P:I agree Heidi...
Heidi Ullrich:Are the targets of SM At-Large community or the public as a whole?
Ariel Liang:I'd love to work with Sergio about the strategy!
Ariel Liang:Also other experts!
Juan Manuel Rojas P:I think we need not just a database for ALS but Twitter account for ALS and people involved.
carlos dionisio aguirre:@nati tu microfono esta abierto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'll also be willing to help, there are tools that can be used to cross-post
Natalia Enciso:no soy yo, es de @Maricarmen, ya le avise
sergio salinas poto:Perdon natalia habia leido el email pero no habia prestado atencion a los archivos adjuntos que venian en el...
Eduardo Diaz:@Ariel: +1, not only about strategy but how to integrate it with the rest of the efforts
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:and indeed, the target audience for SM needs to be understood
Ariel Liang:@Eduardo, yes, integration and coordination is a key aspect of the strategy
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Im sorry, I had troubles to speak.. I could talk after Franco..
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Indeed, Olivier, the ALSes are there for the Summit
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:not to see attractions in London
Natalia Enciso:Dev, that is only one part of the information about Logistic, the main objective is about the Summit + Social
Juan Manuel Rojas P:
Juan Manuel Rojas P:
Franco Moya AGEIA DENSI:excuse me, could you call me again?
Julia Charvolen:We are dialing back to you now
Eduardo Diaz:Olivier: I am going to talk to the chairs of this group. They need to re-focus a little bit.
Julia Charvolen:Franco is back on the call
Heidi Ullrich:HI All, I have to go onto another call now.
Heidi Ullrich:Bye!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for all of your work!
Julia Charvolen:Darlene dropped
Julia Charvolen:we are dialing back
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes
Julia Charvolen:we can hear you
Juan Manuel Rojas P:yes we hear you
Eduardo Diaz:I need to drop from adobe but will be on the telephone.
Natalia Enciso:The report are going to be daily during the Summit Darlene.
Darlene Thompson:THANK YOU!!!!!!
Andreea Gherasim:Hello
Natalia Enciso:dropped my line
Andreea Gherasim:Yes, I am
Andreea Gherasim:It is ok, I can do it
Natalia Enciso:Thanks Andreea!
Natalia Enciso:No
Julia Charvolen:dialing back to Natalia
Natalia Enciso:I am on the AC only
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all
Darlene Thompson:Thank you all.
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Thank you all
Natalia Enciso:Thanks all for joining this call. Will keep in touch via the wiki and mailing-list.