APRALO Action Items 26.06.2012
A survey will be given to APRALO executives by Sala, to be distributed to all the ALS'es - In progress
Holly to give an update from Prague about the IGF and rIGF meeting there. - In progress
Volunteers from APRALO sit together with KISA and draft tentatively what would be needed. Call for Volunteers. - In progress
Update from Olivier, from his discussion with the Board regarding IDN. -
Fuoad suggested a small paragraph shared among members of APRALO about IDN, the latest going on, so everyone can be on the same page when discussing with related parties.- In progress
Encourage APRALO to comment for CCNSO IDN PDP when it is out. - To begin
Budget for 2014 is going to open for comment soon, APRALO has to start drafting a list of events which APRALO is interested to be part of. rIGF in Korea is one of these. - In Progress
Dedicated page on the APRALO Wiki which people could include events are related to the Internet. for the FY14 budget - Staff to create