AC Chat: 2018-02-12 NARALO Teleconference
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the NARALO Teleconference all on Monday, 12 February 2018 at 20:00 UTC
Mario Aleman:Draft agenda
Mario Aleman:
Jamie- cart support:Hello- can you make me a host to set up the captioning?
Mario Aleman:Hello Jamie, sure
Jamie- cart support:thanks!!
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Hi
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Will call in as well
Mario Aleman:Hi Glenn
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Folks Please add your ALS Affiliateion to the Signin
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Hi Mario
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:I edited the Flickr set for you
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:I need to ask everyone to send me any historical pics for the slideshow
Mario Aleman:Great, thank you so much
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:k
Jamie- cart support:correct
Jamie- cart support:i made Marie a host b/c she's the captioner today - just fyi
Mario Aleman:Oh ok thank you.
Jamie- cart support:can you confirm that you cansee the captionin?
Mario Aleman:yes
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Mario Aleman:Hello Sivia
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:NARALO Pictures
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:looking for more pictures of only NARALO members
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):Hi y'all!
Adrian Schmidt:Good afternoon from frozen Alberta (feeling -40 celsius this am)
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Welcome Adrian
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Adrian is our newest Unaffiliated member
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):25c here in San Francisco (sorry)
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:He attended the ARIN 40 in San Jose
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:yes
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):Hi Eve!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, I'm on the call as wel from staff
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Foks don't forget to add your ALS or Unaffiliated status in your sign in
judith hellerstein:hi all. I am here as well
Joly MacFie:Glenn, you will find several videos on YouTube you can do framgrabs from
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:i can
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Asking for people to share their pictures ( Radical thought :)
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):Hello!
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the call, Javier
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):sorry 4 lateness
Heidi Ullrich:RE SOIs, this is very important to keep updated
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:SOI Is the Statement of Interest- your ICANN profite
Heidi Ullrich:we use your SOIs to hyperlink to all of your posted activities
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):Is the SOI the stuff on the ICANN wiki or something else?
Heidi Ullrich:and will be important in metrics
Mario Aleman:I would like to remind all participants to please state your name before speaking
Heidi Ullrich:@Susannah, they are here:
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):that transcript is a bit crazy!
Joly MacFie:Is the snippet NN webinar recording availalble?
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:I requested his slides.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:All the sessions are recorded
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:yes
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):Thanks Heidi
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):yess
William Michael Cunningham:Not happy with the NN snippet. Let's redo.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Tijani does the Capacity Building sessions
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Ed , William had a comment
William Michael Cunningham:Dont' want to take Item 021 off the table.
William Michael Cunningham:But let's keep going for now..
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Eduardo please note the chat or the hands up
William Michael Cunningham:OK
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Thanks Ed
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Staff is noting it
William Michael Cunningham:Yes
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Thanks Kristan,
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Mario we like send the slideshow to the membership
Joly MacFie:I'm having to fwd the slides manually on my AC
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:me too
Joly MacFie:not a problem
Mario Aleman:"I would like to remind all participants to please state your name before speaking not only for transcription purposes, but also for our interpreters and transcribers
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Thanks for the reminder Mario
Joly MacFie:typosquattering is a good word
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:its neat
William Michael Cunningham:What do you mean by not hosted? Redirects?
Joly MacFie:I beleive it means the names were owned, but not actually live.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Question que
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:#1 William
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Plesase let me know if you want to ask a question
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):Is Looking Glass promoting any particular piece of model regulation?
William Michael Cunningham:Got it. This has been an issue since I posted my website in 1995.
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):no microphone today - my question is in chat
Joly MacFie:to sell it.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:eve you are in the que
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):ok thx
William Michael Cunningham:What is UDRP?
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):To be picky, 'parked' to me means no web site, not to take away from Kirstin's interesting point.
judith hellerstein:to me it is a site that you ar not using yet but possibility thought to use.
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):My two cents: phishing is one possible application of typo-squatting.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Thanks Dustin
judith hellerstein:so you park it in your driveway until you ar ready for it
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:We have Eve then Joly in the que
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):she doesn't have a mic
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):just read out comment
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):hi, my question is : is Looking Glass proposing a particular piece of model regulation?
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):I am here!
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):Joly's remark was interesting but my question is more specific.
judith hellerstein:I think if there is more awareness and capacity building this will go away
William Michael Cunningham:auto correct solves this
judith hellerstein:like was a porn site and not a government site
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:@judith i didn't know this
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:hi, my question is : is Looking Glass proposing a particular piece of model regulation?
judith hellerstein:yes for years there was advisory against this but after a few years ago that site went away
Eduardo Díaz:@judith: in that case the whitehouse did not own the address until later
Tom Lowenhaupt:Got pulled away. Back now, and to answer Glenn''s question, not sure if I have voice, but believe so.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Eve's question hi, my question is : is Looking Glass proposing a particular piece of model regulation?
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):thx Glenn
William Michael Cunningham:freedom of speech is an issue here, too.
Joly MacFie:yes true
Joly MacFie:As I understand it Looking Glass is holding up a mirror to reflect the prblem :)
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:We are going to wrap up this webinar
Tom Lowenhaupt:Yes Glenn. April works for me.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for your presentation Kristin
Joly MacFie:Fast Flux, yes. we killed it.
William Michael Cunningham:Suggestions for March - NN, blockchain,
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:We have a face to face meeting in San Juan
Tom Lowenhaupt:Glenn, April 9 is the NARALO date?
judith hellerstein:has to be done before June 30 and have to be requested before April 30
Joly MacFie:where is rightscon?
judith hellerstein:I may be int rbut std if our panel is selected
judith hellerstein:interested
judith hellerstein:still waiting to hear if our presentation on indigenous issues was accepted
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:thanks
judith hellerstein:Heidi can you tell us if crop program will be cut in fly 19
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Eduardo, did you talk about ICANN Nomcom update?
Dustin Phillips (ISOC-DC):I second Judith's question. It's not listed in the Draft budget
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Yes Leah, I will only say one more outreach effort
judith hellerstein:no Leah that is a good idea
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:We will have a PRE ICANN 61 Readout from Ottawa tomorrow from 4 to 5
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO event will be on Tuesday 13 MARCH
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:ICANN Read-out Livestream event Feb. 13, 2018 4-5 EST Learn more about how the Internet is governed. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) readouts are outreach events designed to inform Internet end users about evolving issues at the international level.Speakers at this event will highlight: -- ongoing controversies in the top-level domain space (is .amazon a region or a company?), -- jurisdictional concerns around ICANN as a legal entity under California law, and -- rapidly emerging privacy issues involving Whois and the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The session will open with a quick primer on ICANN - why end user participation matters and how to get involved in the multistakeholderism model.Speakers: Joe Catapano & Chris Mondini, ICANN Stakeholder engagement team; Stephanie Perrin, privacy expert and member of ICANN's Generic Name Supporting Organization (GNSO) council;Allan McGillivery, Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) senior policy advisor; others
Silvia Vivanco:12:00 noon- 13:30
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):will b there!
Silvia Vivanco:it will be published shortly
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates to website.
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:This is tomorrow's session
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:yes
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:k
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:April starts for Nominations
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:a Draft page is created
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:sorry read my chat above for NOMCOM
William Michael Cunningham:Also need to discuss 2018 ALS Voting Rep & Alternates
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Ok
Silvia Vivanco:the election Schedule will be revised to sync the calendar with the other RALOs
Silvia Vivanco:between APRIL- MAY, we will review the calendar soon
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Action item. Staff is going to get back to NARALO sec and chair on the harmonized election dates
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Sorry Eduardo above..issue with my microphone
Eduardo Díaz:ok. You can write your report in theagenda as an offline report
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Ed William has his hand up.
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Remember we have the POLL
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):Can someone post the URL for CROP
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:CROP Page
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter):yes, can't find i
Eduardo Díaz:william I will het to you after this
Eduardo Díaz:get
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:ICANN update: Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:
Silvia Vivanco:We will send the survey by email as well
Silvia Vivanco:to be sent shortly
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Leah i will add the newsletter
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:I like to welcome Adrian Schmidt to the call from Alberta, Canada
Silvia Vivanco:ITEM 003: 2018 ALS Voting Rep & Alternates
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Alan G isn't on the call
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Eduardo pls read my summary above on nomcom
William Michael Cunningham:Thanks
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:due to timing
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:Thanks Ed
Monique Chartrand:Thank you too
Adrian Schmidt:Thank you very much!
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):Welcome Adrian :)
Monique Chartrand:Welcome Adrian
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Glenn?
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Adrian
Adrian Schmidt:Happy to help in any way I can! Trying to get up to speed and not disturb you guys
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Eduardo?
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: ICANN update: Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom: Thx Glenn direct people to my summary, the website and let all know that we are in the recruiting phase so direct intersted candidates to website.Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:
Leah Symekher - SFBayISOC/ICANN Nomcom:Thx Susannah..
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter)::)
Eve Edelson (SF bay area chapter):bye all
Javier Rua-Jovet (ALAC):¡Adios!
Adrian Schmidt:Bye! Chau!
Gordon Chillcott - Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group:Thanks and bye for now.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all
Monique Chartrand:aurevoir tous
Silvia Vivanco:bye
Glenn McKNight/Secretariat/FBSC:William has added the last item for staff followup with Alan