10 September 2018 | 13:30 UTC

10 September 2018 | 13:30 UTC

AttendeesSvitlana Tkachenko, Alejandra Reynoso, Sean Copeland, Barrack Otieno, Patricio Poblete, Allan McGillivray
Attendees - staffJoke Braeken, Kimberly Carlson, Maria Otanes
ApologiesHiro Hotta, Peter Van Roste

1. Welcome

2. Preparations related to ICANN63

2.1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team

2.2. Update cross-community sessions

2.3. Draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions

2.4. Draft ICANN63 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda

3. Charter Review

5. AOB

6. Next Meeting & Closure


- Agenda ccNSO Members Meeting (draft)

- High-level block schedule ccNSO Sessions ICANN63

- Block schedule ICANN63 by ICANN's meeting team: https://meetings.icann.org/sites/default/files/icann63-agm-block-sched_20aug18.pdf

- Link to draft charter - track changes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O3XhNGTs8v7jSxNOzE0C669BpFpBt7Xw8fDozDI26Vw/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]

- Link to draft charter - clean: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1roVBK-JrQy72gIr-UaMhE9LRg1a2kA0KkHwsJ-imxOs/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]

Notes & action items




1. Welcome


no other apologies received


2. Preparations related to ICANN63


2.1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team


Next call with the SO/AC planning team on 13 September. Block schedule (latest version to date) shown in the AC room. Final block schedule ready on 21 September, full ICANN63 schedule to be published on 1 October.


2.2. Update cross-community sessions


1 session pending: FY20 Budget. date/time hopefully TBC on 13 September during the SO/AC call. Might be on block 5 on Wednesday



Will we have ccNSO Members Meeting sessions during the GDPR CC-session? 



Yes, we do. Last time, the CC-session was mainly/purely gTLD relevant, for contracted parties. So this time we offer an alternative programme, to those interested. And have an own GDPR session during the members meeting.


2.3. Draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions


overview provided by Alejandra, from day-to-day.

Tech Day: 1 more block added

TLD-OPS workshop on Monday as well, TLD Ops workshop is open to all ccTLDs - but you must RSVP

The TLD OPS lunch is open only to members of TLD OPS.

Tech Day lunch is open to all participants, but there is a limited number of space available.

Early end of the members meeting on Tuesday.

Dinner at 7 pm on Tuesday (instead of ccNSO cocktail)

End Wednesday: ccNSO Council


2.4. Draft ICANN63 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda


several changes since the last time we spoke.




  • suggestions submitted for the at-the-time empty slots. Very much appreciated. For future meetings, kindly submit not only brainstorming topics, but also e.g. details on the expected outcome of the session, suggested shaping of the session, suggested speakers etc. This will make it easier to include the proposals on the agenda.
  • Schedule was shared with the group on Friday. The aim is to publish the current draft asap. If there are no objections during this call, the secretariat wil publish the draft schedule on the wiki
  • detailed overview provided by Alejandra of the sessions
  • Patricio agrees to be session chair for the policy session
  • main focus of the GDPR session during the ccNSO members meeting is on ccTLDs
  • 30 min break in between the end of the GDPR Session and the start of the dinner, sponsored by EURid (.eu). First shuttles leave at 18:15 pm. Underground journey and seated dinner with concert. Shuttles return around 22:15. Invitations will be sent out later this week.  Pre-registration is possible. Actual invitation with more details will follow.  +1 option for the dinner?  indicate your +1 when you RSVP





  • detailed overview provided by Alejandra
  • ccTLD News Session; several proposals received (6)
  • Council meeting starts on 17:15 instead of 17:00 since the previous session might run over.



Comments or questions regarding the draft agenda?



  • ccTLD News Session:

Summary of the .au proposal is missing, and no confirmation on whether they still intend to present at ICANN63. Group is asked to indiciate how they prefer to proceed. Include the proposal or not? Note that there are only 70 minutes dedicated to this session. Suggestion is to send a final reminder, with a new deadline. (3 days)

  • Session chairs:
    some suggested, but still TBC. One chair needed for the TLD-OPS Session. Suggestion is to include Barrack? Confirmed. Secretariat will suggest a chair for the financial session shortly. Suggestions are welcome, either during the call or via mail.
  • Does the group agree if we publish the draft agenda? Agreement by all present on the call today.


Action Item #1:

Secretariat to publish draft agenda asap, and to reach out to .au for a last reminder on whether they intend to present during the ccTLD News Session



3. Charter Review


WG was renamed to Committee (C) and not (SC).

SOPC analogy: MPWG becomes MPC


use of correct English? Sean and Allan are kindly invited to help out and give the text a close review. Their suggestions are much appreciated.


Suggestion is to have a MPC with minimum 5 members.

Regional diversity? Include it as an ideal scenario, but it should not be made mandatory.


Duration of membership.

If we have 5 members, 2 should step down. Agree with proceeding with the majority.


Can those stepping down, re-apply?

Indeed, to be re-appointed you need to re-apply.

Allan and Svitlana agree.


Sean will rephrase the participant-comment under “6” to make sure there is no room for unambiguity.


7.1. omission of the charter: will the Committee chair decide? or the ccNSO chair?


7.2 reviews.

Timing is too tight. review every 3 years


or earlier when considered necessary


Action Item #2:

Group to further review this document by latest 17 September. This will allow us to send it for approval to the ccNSO Council prior to its next meeting.

Sean and Allan kindly invited to review the correct use of English



5. AOB




6. Next Meeting & Closure


do we need another meeting prior to Barcelona?

Chair is confident we have discussed all that is needed in order to proceed. In case there is a next meeting, it will be after publication of the full schedule on 1 October. 

Chat Transcript