11 May 2018 | 13:00 UTC
Attendees | Alejandra Reynoso (.gt), Sean Copeland (.vi), Allan MacGillivray (.ca), Patricio Poblete (.cl), Svitlana Tkachenko (.ua) |
Attendees - staff | Joke Braeken, Kim Carlson, Maria Otanes |
Apologies | Barrack Otieno, Katrina Sataki, Young-eum |
Agenda | 1 Welcome 2 Preparations ICANN62 2.1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team 2.2. Draft agenda ccNSO Members Meeting 3 ccNSO meeting strategy review 4 AOB 5 Closure & Next meeting |
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Recordings | |
Notes & action items | 1. Welcome This call has been recorded. Welcome by the chair Alejandra Reynoso (.gt) Welcome to the new WG member, Sean Copeland (.vi) 2. Preparations ICANN62 a) Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team Draft block schedule by ICANN’s meetings team. Overview of the sessions on a day-per-day basis. b) Draft agenda ccNSO Members Meeting Overview of the draft schedule of the ccNSO Members Meeting. Sessions highlighted in bright blue allow typically for more interaction with the audience. TUE: no sessions in the ccNSO Members Meeting scheduled against the cross-community sessions, to allow people to attend the GDPR sessions in the afternoon. WED: · suggestions on how to shape the session on disaster recovery are welcome. Starting the conversation for a potential workshop in Barcelona. Call for proposals was sent to the community. 2 responses: .np and .pr · 3 volunteers for the moment for the ccTLD News Session. Question to the group: do you agree extending the call for volunteers? · Potential session to be added: Q&A with council members · Additional info on the accountability session provided: intent is to have the participants of the Members Meeting be informed about the recommendations on WS2 and prepare for the decision by the council later that day. · Patricio: suggestion to schedule a session on GDPR. European or other ccTLDs that have made changes because of GDPR, to report on their experience, one month down the road? Learning about best practices is the added value to the members meeting. .cl is impacted, but not in the centre of the storm as the European ccTLDs are. What have European ccTLDs done after 25 May 2018? So far we heard about what they are planning to do. · Alejandra: short time to the Panama meeting. Only 1 month. .gt also has european customers. .br has no european customers. In Barcelona the consequences might be clearer. Sean & Allan: more effective if we do this in Barcelona. Joke suggesting adding a case study on GDPR (or 2) to the ccTLD News Session. Have a more elaborated session in Barcelona on GDPR, post-factum. Sveta suggesting a presentation by CENTR. Action item #1: Secretariat to extend call for volunteers for ccTLD News Session until 25 May, specifying in the invite to add max. 2 case studies on GDPR from European ccTLDs: impact of GDPR on the registry, post the 25 May implementation date. Action item #2: Referring to action item #1, ccNSO secretariat to verify with CENTR whether a summarizing presentation could be delivered on GDPR during the ccTLD News Session 3. ccNSO meeting strategy review Recommendations as included in the final report adopted by the Council. This impacts the meeting programme WG. · Recommendation 1: done currently · Recommendation number 2 (The Meeting Programme Working Group should explore the possibility to organise a 1-day ccNSO Members Meeting during the second ICANN meeting): to be further explored later this year. Potentially have another consultation session in Barcelona with the community. · Recommendation 3: done currently · Recommendation 4: we are getting better at this, welcoming newcomers etc and having the cocktail. To be discussed for Barcelona whether the recommendations are being met · Recommendation 5: being addressed. Call for presenters: volunteers needed to specify whether the presentation is foreseen for another industry meeting, and if so, adjust it to a global audience · Recommendation 6: intended for the council. Refers to the joint meetings with other SO/ACs. Addressed: agenda committee for the joint meeting with the GAC. Block Schedule ccNSO Members meeting shown in the zoom room. Allan: from a travel planning point of view, it created issues that the schedule is out so late. Uncertain whether the council prep session was on Sunday or not. Consider ½ day of the members meeting on the prep work. Delay for schedule of the council meeting due to the scheduling by ICANN of the high interest sessions and the HIT sessions. Policy forum is indeed a 4-day meeting. No possibility to organise sessions on the outlier days. Allan: when we explore the option to have a single day members meeting. Look into the option to move the council prep meetings into the Tue morning, so that we reduce the members meeting to 1,5 days. Extending things into Thursday is not preferred. 4. AOB none 5. Closure & Next meeting Week from 28 May to 1 June. Action item #3: Secretariat to send out doodle poll, to schedule the next meeting in the week from 28 May to 1 June. |