12 January 2018 | 12:00 UTC

12 January 2018 | 12:00 UTC

AttendeesAlejandra Reynoso, Peter Van Roste, Barrack Otieno, Katrina Sataki, Hiro Hotta, Eberhard Lisse
Attendees - staffJoke Braeken, Kimberly Carlson

1 Welcome
2 Preparations related to ICANN61
2.1 Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team
2.2 draft agenda ccNSO members meeting
2.2.1 discussion on the future of the RO Update session
4 Next meeting
5 Closure

Notes & action items

1. Welcome

2. Preparations related to ICANN61

2.1. Briefing consultation SO/AC planning team

  • block schedule: overall

cross-community sessions: 4 proposals. 

Most likely not all of them will make it to the final selection. Some say it is premature to have SSR2 discussion, and there are some arguments against having the geo names session. Probably only 1 cc-session on Wednesday, during block 2. Deadline to submit CC-topics: 15 Jan.

Next planning team: 25 Jan. 2018

  • block schedule: ccNSO

Joint session ccNSO & GAC &Board: confirmed.

Joint session with ALAC potentially not taking place: conflict with the CCWG Auction Proceeds.

Joint session with GNSO council confirmed as well.

2.2. draft agenda ccNSO Members Meeting

  • joint meeting with ICANN Board: potentially to take place in the ccNSO room. Secretariat has asked meetings team and ICANN Board Operations
  • joint session with the GAC
  • ICANN updates. only 1 presenter. time needed to change from one room to the other. mention on the schedule that the session starts at 15:20? or silent break in between? better for RP to mention it explicitly.
  • trends and challenges in the domain name industry. Peter: impact on ICANN and the ICANN budget, 30 min sufficient.  Within CENTR some members are still growing. 

Manage expectations, and please specify explicitly whether the approach is broader or not. Potentially consider a session with a broader scope for ICANN62.

action item #1: explicitly mention in the ccNSO Members Meeting schedule that we will start at 16:20 with the ICANN updates: include some time in the schedule to change rooms between 2 sessions.

action item #2: change title of the session on “Trends and Challenges in the domain name industry”: make it less broad, restrict the scope.  

  • natural disasters: policy-focus, and actions by ccTLDs. Recent experience by .PR
  • policy session, accountability session split between part before and after the lunch
  • ccTLD News Session: deadline for proposals is today, only 2 proposals so far.  Do you agree to extend the call for presenters by 1 more week? We should reach out more proactively to regions that are typically not that proactive. RO's could potentially help. Alejandra spoke already with Nacho (LACTLD): reminder was sent out yesterday to LACTLD mailing list.
  • Tech Day will have also a focus on Continuity of Operations.. Suggestion to exchange names of presenters, perhaps we can have them give one at each with slightly different focus.  There is someone here involved with TV Whitespace, and was part of emergency response in PR, Tech Day is trying to get him to present.  Nominet was working with Microsoft on whitespace usage for emergencies too. 

action item #3: secretariat to send email to extend deadline for call for presenters (+1 week)

action item #4: group to review ccNSO Members Meeting Agenda. Deadline: Wednesday 17 Jan, COB.

2.2.1. discussion on the future of the RO Update session

  • Question by the meeting group chair: yearly update by the ROs? When would be the most appropriate meeting to do so?
  • CENTR: obligatory shows&tells do not benefit the value of the session. Is it relevant for a global audience?  Different channels are already in place for those that like to follow our work. Things with a global impact are seldom. The current terminology project could be useful for the rest of the world: people could copy-paste, use it, translate it.  Hard to tell when the yearly update needs to take place. No point in deciding now already. CENTR happy to contribute to specific sessions: alternative approach. New would be for the RO's to contribute with content. eg terminology project to be showcased in future. CENTR Board might consider the RO update as a promotion of CENTR's activities.
  • AfTLD: different RO's have different needs. need for flexibility on when to provide an update.

3. AOB

action items from 06 December meeting: overview provided by the Secretariat. 

4. Next meeting

Suggestion: mid-February. (2nd week)

action item #4: Secretariat to send out doodle poll to schedule the next meeting, during the second week of February. (Thu-Fri)

5. Closure

thank you. bye all

chat transcript

Joke Braeken:hello everyone. Welcome to today's ccNSO Meeting Programme WG.
  Katrina:Hello everyone! :)
  Joke Braeken:We will be starting shortly. waiting for 1 minute (or 2)
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Hi Everyone!
  el:joke is theis better?
  Joke Braeken:Wiki: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__buff.ly_2i117lM&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HyTT2ymvadmiQcmo6B088sWOukGjEbibHJ64u5rMiME&m=Rh-VsF5GtV14K2dYxbF_okIblEAHzN1b09UTeGV5GJE&s=plwuVvTkKyRQSK8Dm8VKWZE2xBV9fPvi-esdRXg8kK4&e=
  Joke Braeken:Hi Eberhard, yes, this is better!
  el:can you make this scrollable?
  Joke Braeken:the document is scrollable
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Hi Kim
  Kimberly Carlson:HI Barrack
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:I am trying to receive the call but there seems to be a problem when i press one, can the operator try again?
  Kimberly Carlson:No operator, but happy to try again ;)
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:thanks
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Need to step out for a minute. 
  Joke Braeken:The document is scrollable
  Kimberly Carlson:EL noise again from your line
  Kimberly Carlson:I hve muted on the bridge
  Joke Braeken:sorry, old hand
  Kimberly Carlson:*6 mute, *7 unmute
  Katrina:they are coming (I hope)
  Kimberly Carlson:Yes, I have made the request to the meetings team and Board operations
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Looks good so far Alejandra
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Sounds good and realistic.
  Katrina:good idea, I think
  Hiro Hotta:good
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Good idea Alejandra
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Might be useful for remote participants.
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:I would mention t that we'll start later.
  Katrina:agree with Peter - better to mention when we start
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:I agreed with Peter as well
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:* agree
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Can you tell a bit more about that last session? Sounds great (but short).
  Joke Braeken:sorry :)
  el:AM not hearing anything
  Katrina:something at your end - I can hear perfectly
  el:ok I'll dial in again
  Joke Braeken:I can hear you Alejandra
  el:am back
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Sure, send a reminder.
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:I think lets add one more week
  Patricio Poblete 2:Sure, one more week
  Hiro Hotta:agree
  Kimberly Carlson:EL noise again, muted your line
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:and send out reminders some people have barely woken up from new year festivities
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:I had exactly the same experience with preparing for the upcoming CENTR GA: extremely slow response from the community. Don't worry, they'll wake up.
  el:how do I unmute?
  Kimberly Carlson:*7
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:The ROs newsletters could be a great source to see who has something to share. Also allows to target more specific topics of global interest. 
  el:carry on :-9-O
  el:no go ahead
  el:TchDay will have also a focus on Continuity of Operations.
  el:so we'll exchange names of presenters, perhaps we can have them give one at each with slightly different focus
  el:There is someone here involved with TV Whitespace, and was part of emergency response in PR, we are trying to get him to present.
  el:But he seems to be in transit this week, and it's early days
  el:WIll do
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:I believe Nominet was working with Microsoft on whitespace usage for emergencies too. 
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:(Just in case you need more on that topic)
  el:I think he mentioned Microsoft in this context too. I'll talk to Nick Wenban Smith
  Joke Braeken:Shall we say until next week wendesday? COB?
  Joke Braeken:action item #4: group to review ccNSO Members Meeting Agenda. 
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:I agree
  Hiro Hotta:fine
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:that is ok, since we are pushing the call by one week
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:I agree with Peter, let us have it open, it appears a number of our members follow the session keenly
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:The needs of the ROS are diverse
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Well said Peter
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:No AOB for me 
  Joke Braeken:no problem :)
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:(AOB: any suggestions for a hotel, those close by seem to be sold out.)
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Let us have a doodle
  el:ask PR NIC
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:We can ask Pablo
  Joke Braeken:no, I'm sorry.
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:@el: will do. 
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:second week of February
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:thursday - friday would work for me. 
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Much appreciated!
  Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Thanks all, bye
  Patricio Poblete 2:Bye!
  Joke Braeken:thank you. bye all!
  Katrina:than you! bye!
  Peter Van Roste - CENTR:Thanks & bye!
  Hiro Hotta:bye