30 July 2018 | 14:00 UTC
Attendees | Alejandra Reynoso, Hiro Hotta, Patricio Poblete, Svitlana Tkachenko, Sean Copeland, Eberhard Lisse |
Attendees - staff | Joke Braeken, Maria Otanes, Kimberly Carlson |
Apologies | Allan MacGillivray |
Agenda | 1. Welcome 2. Wrap-up ICANN62 2.1. general feedback 2.2. discussion results satisfaction survey 2.3. draft feedback-on-feedback 3. Preparations related to ICANN63 3.1. briefing consultation SO/AC planning team 3.2. update cross-community sessions 3.3. draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions 3.4. draft ICANN62 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda 4. Charter Review 5. AOB 6. Next Meeting & Closure |
Documents | |
Recordings |
Notes & action items | NOTES
1. Welcome
Apologies received are noted on https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ccnsowkspc/pages/108403298/30+July+2018+14+00+UTC
2. Wrap-up ICANN62
2.1. general feedback
Input and first thoughts by the group members on this call on what went well, and what can be improved? None
2.2. discussion results satisfaction survey
21 answers received, online survey remained open for 2 weeks. Additional input collected via interviews on site in Panama. Results : https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-KSGJTLHWL/# Overall, the feedback is very positive, but there is room for improvement, by having more interactivity added to the sessions.
Action Item #1: Group members are invited to reflect on ways to improve interactivity during the ccNSO Members Meeting, and to send their proposals to the mailing list ahead of the next meeting (start of September)
2.3. draft feedback-on-feedback
This document aims to evaluate the community feedback received regarding the ccNSO Members meeting in Panama, and provides the feedback from the ccNSO Meetings Programme Working Group in response.
Action Item #2: group to review the draft F-o-F by the end of Wednesday, 2 August. Secretariat will publish the F-o-F after this deadline and inform the community.
3. Preparations related to ICANN63
3.1. briefing consultation SO/AC planning team
Kick-off meeting in Panama, Next meeting scheduled for 2 August and 13 August. Schedule will be published by 1 October.
3.2. update cross-community sessions
Current draft block schedule by ICANN’s meetings team foresees 1 HIT session, 2 Cross-community sessions. The ccNSO sent out a call for proposals for topics. No feedback has been received, and no proposals were submitted. Further clarity after the production call on 2 August by the SO/AC leaders.
3.3. draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions
Draft version, subject to changes. ICANN meeting starts on Saturday, ends on Thursday. The ccNSO related programme ends on Wednesday. High-level overview:
SAT: WG meetings SUN: WG meetings, TLD-OPS Workshop MON: Tech Day TUE: ccNSO Members Meeting, day 1 WED: ccNSO Members Meeting, day 2 + ccNSO council meeting
3.4. draft ICANN62 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda
Action Item #2: group to review the draft ccNSO Members Meeting agenda, and to propose options, topics etc. for the currently empty slots during the ccNSO Members Meeting agenda: 1. DAY 1: 11:15-12:00 (45 min) 2. DAY 2: 09:00-10:15 (75 min) Deadline: end of next week, Friday 10 August COB
Action item #3: ccNSO Secretariat to send out a call for presenters for the ccTLD News Session
Action item #4: ccNSO Secretariat to explore with the session chair of the PTI session ways to make sure the sessions is as interesting and engaging as possible.
4. Charter Review
Proposed next steps. Secretariat to review the current charter ahead of the next meeting, group to review, complete where needed.
Action item #5: Secretariat to share a draft revised charter with the group ahead of the September meeting
5. AOB
6. Next Meeting & Closure
Start of September, ahead of the next SO/AC leaders production meeting.
Action item #6: Secretariat to send out a doodle poll to schedule the next meeting by the programme WG. |
Chat Transcript | Joke Braeken:Hello everyone! Welcome to today's ccNSO Meeting Programme WG meeting. |