23 November 2018 | 15:30 UTC

23 November 2018 | 15:30 UTC

Attendeessee attendance tracker
Attendees - staffJoke Braeken, Bart Boswinkel
ApologiesOndrej Filip

1. Welcome

2. Wrap-up ICANN63

       2.1. general feedback by MPC members

       2.2. discussion results satisfaction survey

       2.3. draft feedback-on-feedback

3. Preparations related to ICANN64

       3.1. briefing consultation SO/AC planning team

       3.2. update cross-community sessions

       3.3. draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions

       3.4. draft ICANN64 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda: for discussion

4. AOB

5. Next Meeting & Closure


Joke Braeken:Welcome everyone to the MPC meeting on Friday, 23 November 2018 at 15:30 UTC
  Allan MacGillivray:Hi Bart
  Hiro Hotta:OK
  Katrina Sataki:Hello everyone!
  Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hello :)
  Hiro Hotta:hello, all
  Allan MacGillivray:Unfortunately, I can attend just unitl 5 minutes to the hour.  Sorry about that.
  Patricio Poblete:Hello everyone
  Joke Braeken:the results of the satisfaction survey : https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.surveymonkey.com_results_SM-2DBXJ2QHB8V_&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HyTT2ymvadmiQcmo6B088sWOukGjEbibHJ64u5rMiME&m=Z5SzmukiqAfe6mBJftOVMScI3eqzU17i3XQLho3W-YM&s=WANhdNv6B2ieusxyRCAjLleSDUXpLyLOTETrP1GL-0c&e=
  Katrina Sataki:I did review the results but not the FoF, sorry
  Joke Braeken:it is now scrollable
  Allan MacGillivray:Could someone recirculate the guidleines?
  Bart Boswinkel:The memeting wg shoulkd review it
  Bart Boswinkel:meeting WG should review it and update it
  Katrina Sataki:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ccnso.icann.org_sites_default_files_filefield-5F31225_guidelines-2Dpresenters-2Dccnso-2Dmeetings-2D02may12-2Den.pdf&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HyTT2ymvadmiQcmo6B088sWOukGjEbibHJ64u5rMiME&m=Z5SzmukiqAfe6mBJftOVMScI3eqzU17i3XQLho3W-YM&s=uZMvz_N62bGLOOC0-GxUZqaUulW81XbWWXO3JjTf2Cs&e=
  Joke Braeken:the guideline is here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ccnso.icann.org_en_about_guidelines-2Dpresenters-2Dccnso-2Dmeetings-2D02may12-2Den.pdf&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HyTT2ymvadmiQcmo6B088sWOukGjEbibHJ64u5rMiME&m=Z5SzmukiqAfe6mBJftOVMScI3eqzU17i3XQLho3W-YM&s=yH6vS3BZKuzGMDBMsoNHQnCXFnLBmB1MpTuHgcM-PoQ&e=
  Allan MacGillivray:Inwould not set a fixed slot, but rather find someone to lead a martketing session.
  Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:https://meetings.icann.org/en/kobe64#schedule
  Joke Braeken:the document is scrollable
  Allan MacGillivray:I have to leave now but wish to make one important point.  We need to firm up as soon as possible the first and last day of ccNSO meetings. We are booking our airline tickets now and I suspect others are as well.  Fort example, we need to be clear that the ccNSO Counil meeting is on Wednesday and not Thursday.
  Bart Boswinkel:It will most loikely be on Wednesday
  Joke Braeken:Irina Danelia (.ru)
  Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Joke!
  Joke Braeken:welcome!
  Bart Boswinkel:The issue is the audience you focus on is not presnet
  Bart Boswinkel:present
  Bart Boswinkel:What is goal of session!!
  Katrina Sataki:Thank you very much, Hiro! That is very much appreciated!
  Joke Braeken:doing a time-check: we have 5 min left
  Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Joke
  Katrina Sataki:I do not think we'll have anything to say about the IDN ccTLD policy review
  Bart Boswinkel:We may have :-)
  Katrina Sataki::)
  Bart Boswinkel:IIt is on my to do list:-)
  Katrina Sataki:and to the Google doc with FoF
  Hiro Hotta:thanks - bye
  Sean Copeland:thankyou and bye
  Joke Braeken:yes Katrina, it is an action item
  Katrina Sataki:thanks, bye!
  Joke Braeken:thank you all. bye!

Notes & action items

1. Welcome

Welcome all. 

Audio bridge only: Barrack Otieno

proposed agenda approved

2. Wrap-up ICANN63

       2.1. general feedback by MPC members

feedback/suggestions/comments by the MPC members?

Alejandra: in general positive feedback. However, the ccTLD News session was too packed. Others suggested to allow sufficient time to that session, and Alejandra agrees

       2.2. discussion results satisfaction survey

the results of the satisfaction survey : resenters-ccnso-meetings-02may12-en.pdf 

https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-BXJ2QHB8V</FONT /

       2.3. proposed draft feedback-on-feedback


run-through the document. (available on the wiki space)

Action item #1:

MPC group members are invited to review the feedback-on-feedback, and to send comments by Tue, 27 November (23:59 UTC)

Secretariat to send link to google doc.

more attention needed for newcomers

coach presenters. e.g. number of slides needs to match the time allocated.  Suggestion by Alejandra: have a MPC member as responsable contact for e.g. the ccTLD News Session. Coach the presenters, in terms of time allocated to them. Be aware of what is going to be presented beforehand, so that you can chair the session adequately.

Katrina: guideline for presenters. do we still send it to them? Joke answered that this is not the case. suggestion to review the guideline/tips and tricks for presenters. check-list: simply language, limited number of slides etc. https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/guidelines-presenters-ccnso-meetings-02may12-en.pdf 

Action item #2: 

Secretariat to review the guideline as published on https://ccnso.icann.org/en/about/guidelines-presenters-ccnso-meetings-02may12-en.pdf and discuss it during the next MPC call. Once approved, include it in the call for volunteers for presenters

How to shape the break-out sessions differently? Are there any alternatives to the group work with the flip-charts?

Should we again ask for presenters for separate marketing sessions for instance, or see what comes out of the calls for volunteers? 

Allan MacGillivray: I would not set a fixed slot, but rather find someone to lead a marketing session.

We do not want to have a dedicated marketing slot at every meeting, but perhaps we could have one in Kobe, and find someone to lead that session. Perhaps one of the Regional Organisations have input on who in their community to speak about this. Have more initiative ourselves to find candidate presenters. 

Action item #3:

Secretariat to reach out to RO's regarding a potential marketing session, nd see whether they have suggestions for presenters. Also consult them regarding a potential RO update.


3. Preparations related to ICANN64

       3.1. briefing consultation SO/AC planning team

kick-off for ICANN64 in Barcelona took place on Thursday.

latest version of the ICANN64 block schedule as prepared by ICANN's meetings team is displayed in the AC room

       3.2. update cross-community sessions

Topics for CC/HIT to be determined at a later point in time

Next planning with SO/AC leaders on 17/01/2019 and schedule to be published on 18 febr.



 3.3. draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions

this is a draft, MPC members are invited not to circulate this yet.

       3.4. proposed draft ICANN64 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda

30 min at the start of day 1: newcomer session. introduce people to the ccNSO, how we work. how to join WGs etc, and bring them up to speed before the start of the members meeting.

Katrina: mixed feelings. suggestion to re-name it to "introduction to the ccNSO", to make sure that it is useful for regulars as well. maybe 30 min. is too much

Alejandra: we could also have it during a separate slot on Monday.  that will allow people to have time for Q&A.

Allan MacGillivray: 

I have to leave now but wish to make one important point.  We need to firm up as soon as possible the first and last day of ccNSO meetings. We are booking our airline tickets now and I suspect others are as well.  Fort example, we need to be clear that the ccNSO Council meeting is on Wednesday and not Thursday.


indeed we need to inform the community about the high-level schedule, so that they can book their trips.


if you organise the newcomer session on Tue before the start of the meeting, they will not know that this session is taking place. Perhaps organise it at the end. Smaller room, smaller group, having a convversation. suggestion to have it on Thu morning.

is there a HIT/CC topic on Wednesday during the proposed council slot? if the session is relevant, the council meeting might need to happen on Thursday.

Bart: what do you want to achieve? make sure they understand, provide meaning to what they experienced. 


agrees with Bart's proposal We can advertise the newcomer session during the welcome. make it useful for everyone that wants to join a WG/C, and organise that session on Thu morning.

Action item #4:

Secretariat to verify with ICANN staff whether an update on the organisational review is relevant in Kobe.

Financial contribution session. Bart was recently in contact with ICANN finance. Contributions increased with almost half a million dollar more. if we want to have a financial contributions session, we need to be clear what we want to achieve. might not be worth spending so much time on that session. 80% of the people attending the Members Meeting do financially contribute to ICANN. They are not the targeted audience. Sending a message to the wrong people.  update on the invoicing process is useful, but we do not need 60 min for that session.

Alejandra suggests a marketing approach. What do I get from contributing? What is the value? prepare a video, .ppt


mostly agrees with what Bart is saying. 60 min is too long, and it is too early after Barceona to discuss this again. But it would be very useful to discuss the invoicing procedure. Many highlighted this as an issue. Are there any news from ICANN, suggestions on how to improve the process? it would be worth discussing this, but not for 60 min. Will ICANN be ready to talk about this?


had last week discussion with Finance dpt about the process. one of the issues they face: their list of addresses is not up to date. Here the ccNSO can play a role.  they send the call for financial contributions to the wrong people. it proofs to be very difficult to get an invoice from ICANN.  use the knowledge of that group to explain to outsiders why they are participating.


either have a completely different angle, or do not further discuss it. What are the services ICANN offers that are worth paying for?  

Action item #5:

Alejandra suggest to further discuss the shape of the Financial contributions session on the mailing list. 2 parts: invoicing process, and the value of contributing. Share this proposal eventually as well with the rest of the community, and gather support.

Bart raised concerns on what the goal is of the session on the financial contributions. First evaluate the target audience, and adjust your message and communication channel accordingly.


ccNSO Cocktail. .jp booked a restaurant located in the hotel next to the conference venue. opening time 18:30 until 20:30.

Alejandra agrees not to book anything between 18:00 and 18:30. JPRS can support the cocktail in full. they are ready to pay the entire bill and the restaurant can arrange both  a seated setting or a walking type of setting.

Katrina: thank you to Hiro and JPRS for sponsoring the cocktail. standing setting allows perhaps more for interaction.


suggestion for another title. you ar emore into the strategy of the policy forum: how should the meeting look like. this is not about the logistical preparations.

Katrina Sataki: I do not think we'll have anything to say about the IDN ccTLD policy review

Bart mentioned we may have. this is on his to do list


4. AOB


new participants that want to join this group. Council has until the end of this week to appoint the new members

GRC is working on a template for WG/C to be filled in.  template to be finalised on Monday during the GRC meeting. It would be helpful to the new members to share this template, and to help them with the onboarding.

Action item #5:

Secretariat to send a summary of what was discussed today to the new group members, and chair to welcome them to the mailing list.

5. Next Meeting & Closure

in a month. week starting from 17 Dec.

Action item #6:

Secretariat to send out a doodle that will allow us to schedule the december MPC meeting

Thank you all.