29 May 2018 | 15:15 UTC

29 May 2018 | 15:15 UTC

AttendeesAlejandra Reynoso, Barrack Otieno, Svitlana Tkachenko, Young-eum Lee, Patricio Poblete, Sean Copeland, Allan MacGillivray
Attendees - staffJoke Braeken, Maria Otanes, Kimberly Carlson
ApologiesHirofumi Hotta (.jp)

1. Welcome

2. Preparations ICANN62

2.1. Draft ccNSO Block Schedule

2.2. Draft agenda ccNSO Members Meeting

2.3. Prep for session chairs

2.4. Satisfaction Survey

3. Membership to the WG

4. AOB

5. Closure & Next meeting

Notes & action items

1. Welcome

Welcome to today’s meeting.

2. Preparations ICANN62

2.1. Draft ccNSO Block Schedule

Not much has changed. Confirmed: ccNSO Council meeting will take place on Wed afternoon. The ccNSO cocktail will start at 19:30, after the community networking reception.

Kim confirmed that the cocktail will take place on the HardRock hotel. Food and open bar. Announcement cards. You will need a wrist band to attend. Limited number of spots. Security will watch the door for the event. Kim will send out a “save the date”.

ICANN Schedule will be published on 4th June

2.2. Draft agenda ccNSO Members Meeting

All session chairs invited and confirmed. All presenters have been invited

ccTLD News: call for volunteers on a GDPR testimonial from Europe. Nick-Wenban Smith (.uk) volunteered.

CENTR thought it was too early to present an overview now. Peter confirmed his availability to present/moderate in Barcelona.

Alejandra presenting the current draft agenda of the ccNSO Members Meeting. Day 1 : Tue, 26 June. Day 2: Wed, 27 June.  We will end with the ccNSO council face to face meeting.

2.3. Prep for session chairs

Tips & Tricks for session chairs have been sent to them. The idea is to have a face-to-face briefing session with the session chairs on site as well. Day/Time TBC.

Remote participation: for face-to face meetings: Adobe Connect is the better tool. Zoom has however a better audio.

2.4. Satisfaction Survey

The online survey has worked very well so far. Simple and to the point, and allows to collect valuable feedback.  We will use the same survey again for ICANN62, also to allow consistency and benchmarking.

Interviews with onsite participants will happen as well. We will ask the help of the ccNSO appointed members to the ICANN Community Onboarding Programme. Jelena (.rs) as mentor and Ignacio (.py) as mentee are available to help out.

3. Membership to the WG

Should this remain a WG, or shall we ask the council to turn this into a Committee instead? Due to its ongoing nature

Ondrej: makes sense indeed. Young-eum, Allan, Sean, Sveta, Barrack agree.

Guideline was prepared over 5 years ago. To be checked in the archives

Term of the duration of the membership, included in the charter https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/filefield_47775/charter-mpwg-30mar16-en.pdf

Barrack suggesting to send out a call to all current members: who is willing to stay or to drop out? Is it possible to add new members?  If the WG is turned into a Committee, the start of the members starts afresh, since it is then a Committee and no longer a WG.

Allan: I see that the charter of the WG says that the charter is to be reviewed in three years.  the charter was written in december 2015 and approved by the ccNSO Council on March 30, 2016.  So the charter is up for review, so perhaps the decision on forming a committee might be considered in the context of this review.

Action items:

#1 ccNSO Secretariat to review when the current members were appointed.

#2 The ccNSO Secretariat to explore the next steps regarding the conversion from Working Group to Committee, and regarding the review of the charter

#3 The ccNSO secretariat is invited to check how we can proceed regarding the membership. Call for new members to be considered, and an email to all current members, asking to confirm whether they want to stay on or leave the group, possibly together with the conversion from WG into committee.

4. AOB


5. Closure & Next meeting

Thank you.

Next meeting: post ICANN62, evaluation of the Panama meeting, and preparation of the Barcelona meeting.

Chat Transcript

09:13:42 From Youngeum : hi everyone
09:13:56 From Joke Braeken : hello everyone.
09:14:00 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : Hi :)
09:15:35 From Joke Braeken : if you would like to follow the live note taking, go to
09:17:03 From sveta : Hello!
09:24:59 From Kimberly Carlson : we're hoping for AC
09:25:01 From sveta : Are we using Adobe Connect for remote ?
09:25:17 From Kimberly Carlson : Announcement later this week
09:25:40 From sveta : We can change to “Adobe or Zoom”
09:26:19 From Youngeum : agree. audio on zoom is better
09:26:45 From sveta : Zoom is better for me, but I’ve never used it for remote partisipation
09:27:00 From Kimberly Carlson : Agreed, Zoom is the preference for many - unfortunately, we must comply ;)
09:27:12 From sveta : Kim :)
09:27:35 From Barrack Otieno : Hi Colleagues, sorry was in a conflicting call
09:28:00 From Joke Braeken : The idea is to have a face-to-face briefing session with the session chairs on site as well. Day/Time TBC.
09:31:21 From sveta : it’s good format
09:33:38 From Barrack Otieno : I am happy with it as it is
09:34:34 From Youngeum : agree
09:34:40 From Allan MacGillivray : That makes sense.
09:34:40 From Sean Copeland : Yes that makes more sense
09:34:51 From Youngeum : commitee would be better
09:34:54 From sveta : that makes sense.
09:35:38 From Barrack Otieno : I support
09:35:47 From Barrack Otieno : Programme Commitee
09:35:54 From ppoblete : agree
09:35:55 From Barrack Otieno : ccNSO Programme Commitee
09:36:23 From Alejandra Reynoso [.gt] : https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/filefield_47775/charter-mpwg-30mar16-en.pdf