13 April 2018 | 14:00 UTC

13 April 2018 | 14:00 UTC

AttendeesAlejandra Reynoso, Barrack Otieno, Hiro Hotta, Eberhard Lisse, Allan McGillivray, Patricio Poblete, Svitlana Tkachenko
Attendees - staffJoke Braeken, Kimberly Carlson, Bart Boswinkel, Maria Otanes

1             Welcome & introduction to zoom

2             Wrap-up ICANN61

2.1.         general feedback
2.2.         discussion results satisfaction survey
2.3.         draft feedback-on-feedback 

2             ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review

3.1.         discussion on the recommendations and how this affects the Meeting Programme WG

3             Preparations related to ICANN61

4.1.         briefing consultation SO/AC planning team
4.2.         update cross-community sessions
4.3.         draft block schedule ccNSO-related sessions
4.4.         draft ICANN62 ccNSO Members Meeting agenda

4              AOB

5              Next Meeting

7              Closure

Notes & action items

Consult the notes and action items here.