Action items: 2021-04-21 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

Action items: 2021-04-21 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

  • Six ICANN71 Plenary topics were discussed (top 2 polled highlighted):
    (1) "Public Interest: Is the commercialisation of ccTLDs a threat?" (CW)
    (2) "GDPR as a technology - policy implications" (JK) and related: "EPDP and GDPR: a face to face between the ICANN Community and the EU system" (CW)
    (3) "NIS 2 and the DNS community (RIPE included)" (JK)
    (4) "DNS abuse as a regional policy objective" (JK)
    (5) ICANN Multistakeholder Model: Making choices that ensure a future" (MM)

    (6) CPH definition of DNS Abuse and the role of the RBLs (SG)
  • Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to request translation of ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on Subsequent Procedures into the 5 UN languages.
  • gregory.shatanand/or Justine Chewto comment on GNSO Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process Phase 1 Final Recommendations for ICANN Board Consideration during next CPWG meeting, and circulate a draft ALAC statement on the list in advance.
  • Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG for Wednesday, 28 April @ 14:00 UTC (instead of usual 13 UTC due to conflicting event).