Zoom chat: 2021-03-31 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
15:47:34 From Yesim Nazlar to Everyone : Welcome to At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call taking place on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 at 13:00 UTC.
15:47:37 From Yesim Nazlar to Everyone : Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CXzwBQ
15:57:31 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : Afternoon all.
15:58:02 From José R. Lebrón to Everyone : Hello
15:58:29 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Hello all, welcome!
15:58:56 From YIK CHAN CHIN to Everyone : Hello everyone
16:01:57 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : It's a party!
16:02:36 From christopher wilkinson to Everyone : Good afternoon: First call on European summer time, 15.00 CEST, UTC+2.
16:02:48 From Yesim Nazlar to Everyone : RTT Link: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
16:04:06 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone : Greetings everyone... welcome back after ICANN70
16:04:29 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Welcome, All.
16:04:30 From Andrey Kolesnikov (real) to Everyone : @christopher - still UTC+3 in Moscow, nothing changed )))
16:09:15 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : Hi folks - sorry but I cannot stay long today
16:11:04 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : Hello everyone.. sorry for being late
16:14:06 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Not sure what the board should do with that advice, however.
16:35:14 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : Great summary - thanks
16:35:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Thanks @Rod et.al.
16:38:45 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : Lovely to hear you Julie
16:38:59 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : Interesting presentation, @Rod
16:39:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Julie it strikes me that this outreach might also be used in one of our upcoming APAC Space gatherings
16:40:15 From Julie Hammer to Everyone : That would be great, Cheryl. Please let me know how I can do that….maybe outside this meeting. :-)
16:40:16 From Rod Rasmussen to Everyone : Thanks for having us today - it would be good to talk further about the initiative we’ve proposed for a common facilitator function for abuse handling - the ALAC has a great representation of users around the world that would be a key part of that discussion.
16:40:34 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : Thanks Rod 0 and yes, a further call
16:40:39 From Julie Hammer to Everyone : Thanks, Everyone. Bye now.
16:40:49 From Rod Rasmussen to Everyone : I’m ducking out now so you can do your thing! ;-)
16:41:09 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone : Thank you so much Rod. We'll definitely follow-up on this
16:41:11 From Justine Chew to Everyone : Thanks @Rod, @Julie and @Andrei
16:44:08 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Agreed JZ, the PICS/RVC session left a lot to be unpacked, more work to be done. Great session BTW
16:47:21 From Justine Chew to Everyone : APRALO
16:49:02 From Justine Chew to Everyone : APRALO had Graeme Bunton speak about the DNS Abuse Institute at our monthly call a couple of weeks ago.
16:49:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Yes it was well received
16:50:21 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : They are a helpful summary - thanksJZ
16:50:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : As a Liaison to the GNSO Council I fnd them useful as part of my toolkit of information on opinions held
16:51:32 From christopher wilkinson to Everyone : @ICANN 71. I would have some practical suggestions to reduce the time spent navigating the Schedule. Not policy: not now.
16:52:03 From Barrack Otieno to Everyone : Thanks JZ
16:52:29 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : We had a bunch of other sessions. Perhaps we should ask for summaries of those?
16:53:11 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : There is also nothing wrong *with* the usual suspects they do after all have expertise to offer or is there some form of expiry date? Yes fresh voice needs to be woven in but as a mix I would think and support this shadow option does indeed work
16:53:51 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : @CW that would help indeed
16:54:06 From Justine Chew to Everyone : @Holly, something to take forward/evolve into ICANN71 perhaps?
16:54:21 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : @ Justine - a real possibility
16:54:25 From Marita Moll to Everyone : I think it is always good to get a general session about broader topics. Expands our vision
16:59:24 From alberto soto to Everyone : +1 Marita
16:59:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Thanks Yrio
17:01:06 From Justine Chew to Everyone : https://gac.icann.org/contentMigrated/icann70-gac-communiqu
17:02:36 From Roberto Gaetano to Everyone : sorry I must leave now
17:06:29 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : They seem easy to support
17:07:46 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : yes, RVCs are a pretty important topic to us
17:07:49 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : Id support inclusion of the recommendations in SSAC 115 - including their recommendation on the need to have the term DNS Abuse go further than just that proposed by the RySG/RgST
17:11:02 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Absolutely brilliant work @Justine
17:11:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Excellent #Justine Thank You!
17:11:23 From Marita Moll to Everyone : I would support the SAC115
17:11:29 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : I say yes, support it!
17:14:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : The Broader definition of DNS Abuse in SAC115 works for me in either a holistic or gatekeeping act for new gTLD round
17:14:47 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : I would also support many of the comments in SSR2 - including their comments on what Compliance SHOULD be doing
17:21:23 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : <question>What is our definition?</question>
17:23:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Thanks @Greg all well said IMO
17:24:19 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : Agree with @JZ on lack of consensus.
17:24:28 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : @CLO, thanks, even if too wordy for @OCL
17:24:40 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : There are words in SSAC that expresses the wider concept of DNS abuse - that is closer to what Greg was saying
17:24:49 From Marita Moll to Everyone : +1 on @JZ's proposed wording
17:24:59 From Justine Chew to Everyone : Thanks @JZ
17:25:45 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : One possible limiter would be tying heavy discounting to increased onus on the registry to undertake abuse mitigation and detection.
17:26:37 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : Would be a contracting issue though. Cheap regfees enable a lot of IP abuse and some DNS abuse.
17:27:25 From alberto soto to Everyone : sorry, I have to go to another meeting, but F2F, bye bye!
17:28:02 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Meat for dessert, OCL?
17:28:41 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone : call your Statement on SSR2 sweet, Greg? I thought it was rather spicy. :-)
17:28:58 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : @ John McC - I’m not sure we want to go into that detail, but a broader definition would cover what you are talking about - perhaps insisting on tighter and quicker Compliance response??
17:31:02 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : @Holly Yep. It might but this way it would act to reduce the problem to one that is easier for registries and registrars and hosters to handle. Expanding the definition to cover IP is risky.
17:33:22 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : @Holly Some registries and registrars are good on compliance but heavy discounting creates hundreds of thousands if not millions of regs. Due to this, much of the abusive activity moved from legacy gTLDs to the new gTLDs. The lessons of the 2012 round need to be learned by ICANN.
17:35:22 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : can we have the link to this report please?
17:35:36 From Holly Raiche to Everyone : Thanks John -
17:38:18 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Comment Only Google Doc, 30 March 2021:
17:44:51 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : METRICS! What gets measured gets done!
17:46:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : Thanks @Greg great set of points to highlight IMO
17:46:34 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : We can dream...
17:47:14 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : We can be pretty sure the SSR2 folks would have checked this
17:48:15 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : <comment>That definition of DNS abuse is going to be difficult. Many ideas and a lack of hard data (back to the metrics problem) on the various types of proposed defs.</comment>
17:48:51 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : they just have the bureaucracy of a larger organization. Slower on IT than my old client the US Postal Service, with 70k employees...
17:48:58 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : There is also previous history re standards and validity of use in ICANN that was done in the past it *is* an important issue to follow up on
17:49:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : ANother group proposed a modified MIST program that would be bespoke But **SIGH**
17:49:54 From Marita Moll to Everyone : scary thought about 10-15 yrs ago @Greg
17:50:01 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : @JZ The Open Data Platform being a good example? Great idea but there was a serious data quality issue when it launched. (missing data/bad data)
17:50:10 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : At the end of our rope....?
17:50:32 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : @Greg The aptly named bitter end?
17:51:22 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : The Bitter End is only a few blocks from where I live... @John
17:51:52 From John McCormac - HosterStats.com to Everyone : :) @Greg
17:51:52 From Chokri Ben Romdhane to Everyone : Thank you all
17:52:09 From Yesim Nazlar to Everyone : 07 April at 16:00 UTC
17:52:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : still a horrible time for some of us bit there you go
17:52:25 From christopher wilkinson to Everyone : @Greg. Supporting your SSR2 Statement, as is.
17:52:31 From Dave Kissoondoyal to Everyone : Thanks and bye to all
17:52:34 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Thank you CW
17:52:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone : BYe
17:52:39 From Sarah Kiden to Everyone : Thank you all!
17:52:42 From Harold Arcos to Everyone : Thank you all
17:52:45 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Thank you all
17:52:45 From Herb Waye Ombuds to Everyone : Be safe all... wear a mask, wash your hands, and social distance... maybe we can meet in the fall... be kind
17:52:46 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Au revoir!
17:52:48 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Thanks all -- bye