Action Items: 2018-07-25 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Action Items: 2018-07-25 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
- The CPWG agreed there should be a single Policy Coordinator. The role of the Policy Coordinator is to ensure RALO contributions in Policy are made.
- Members of the CPWG to add the issues which they think are important, on the Google DOC about PDP on Subsequent Procedures. Updates to be presented on next week's CPWG.
- The CWPG requested that a Capacity Buidling Webinar should be held on key EPDP issues and targeted at people who are not highly knowledgeable on the issues, but would like to get involved. Presenters should be experts from within At-Large and others as relevant. Sufficient time should be given in the planning of the webinar (Schedule should be 9th August or early in the week of the 13th). CPWG leaders to liaise with Tijani BEN JEMAA.
- A wiki to be set up to identify a Pool of Penholders and Resource People. A wiki (with log in required) to be set up by Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated). Penholders: gregory.shatan, Justine Chew, Olivier Crépin-Leblond. Resource People: Cheryl Langdon-Orr.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)/ Heidi Ullrich to set up an EPDP Skype Chat, including At-Large EPDP Members and Alternates and any CPWG member who wishes to join. Chat to be used, especially during EPDP calls.