2020-04-01 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

2020-04-01 AFRALO Monthly Teleconference

Date: Wednesday, 01 April 2020
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here)      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14  BDB 0120/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Comment participer a cette teleconference?

Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638

Zoom room:  https://icann.zoom.us/j/194684333

Action Items: EN 

Transcript: ENFR

Recording:  ENFR 

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat:  EN


FR: Bamba Vassindou, Michel Tchonang, Olivier Kouami, Gabriel Bombambo Boseko, Etienne Tshishimbi, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Raihanath Gbadamassi, 

EN: Vernatius Okwu Ezeama, Moriam Omowunmi Sulaimon, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Barrack Otieno, Innocent Adriko, Bukola Oronti, Joan Katambi, Maureen Hilyard, Seun Ojedji, Kamara Lilian, Haroun Mahamat Cherif, Edem Senegal, Leon Sanchez, Sarah Kiden, Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Dave Kissoondoyal, AK Oloyede, Daniel Nanghaka, Abdel Ouro, Isaac Maposa, Afia Faith, Edem Nunekpeku, Hadia Elminawi, Aziz Hilali, Jacob Odame-Baiden, Kelebogile, Rantsetse, Liz Or, Malick, Nkem Nweke, Oreoluwa Lesi, Patricia Akello, Ramanou Biaou, Bethel De Dakar, Keolebogile Rantsetse, Peters Omoragbon, Raymond Mamattah, Remmy Nweke, Raft-Madagascar,


Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Yaovi Atohoun, Silvia Vivanco, Claudia Ruiz, Michelle DeSmyter

FR Interpreters: Isabelle & Jacques

Call Management:  Michelle DeSmyter


  1. Roll call (Staff) – 2 min
  2. Review of action items from previous meeting (Staff, Sarah) – 3 min
  3. Open ICANN Public Comments (Seun) – 5 min

At-Large Policy Resources

At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

Recently Ratified by the ALAC 

Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2
For all recommendations not listed in the ALAC statement, the ALAC noted that they they “Support as written”. The ALAC “supported wording with change” for several other recommendations - 1, 6, 7, 9, 15, 19 - and made a general comment that differentiation between natural and legal persons would offload the system from unnecessary queries that are permissible under GDPR.

Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report
The ALAC noted that ensuring the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS is arguably ICANN's single most important role. The ALAC has a particular interest in the recommendations related to domain name abuse, and notes that several of the recommendations overlap with and complement those issued by the RDS WHOIS2-RT and the CCT RT. DNS Security, stability and resiliency is not something that we can afford to ignore.

The ALAC has a particular focus on and interest in DNS Abuse. To address this may require contractual changes to facilitate Contractual Compliance action. Such changes require either negotiations with the contracted parties or a PDP, and the ALAC recommends against a PDP and instead encourages ICANN to come to an agreement with contracted parties. Known vulnerabilities need to be corrected with the utmost haste.

ALAC Feedback to PIR Public Comment Proceeding
Note: Not an ICANN Public Comment. The Public Interest Registry (PIR) held a Public Comment proceeding on the issue of the ISOC/PIR. (8) responses were submitted on behalf the ALAC to the PIR Public Comment proceeding. 

The ALAC made several suggestions to PIR regarding the issue of ISOC/PIR. The ALAC noted that PICs are the best mechanism with which to enshrine the essential characteristics of a .ORG registry, yet there are significant issues with PIC enforcement that need to be addressed for PICs to be considered a trustworthy assurance. They noted that from the standpoint of an "individual end user," a 10 annual price cap would add a lot of predictability. The ALAC also noted that the stewardship council for .ORG is a good start, but its mandate should be wider than just free speech and privacy, and suggested a few board seats reserved for 501c(3) organizations, chosen by the community, would be more powerful. Reserving certain seats to be selected by NPOC and perhaps the ALAC (to represent the individual registrants) would help a great deal.

The ALAC’s objective is to enshrine PIR's best practices in its contract with ICANN such that they survive any further transitions of ownership.

See: Letter from Maarten Botterman regarding ALAC Advice to the Board on the ISOC/PIR issue (20 March 2020)

Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget,
The ALAC congratulated the ICANN Finance and Planning team, as the draft plans and budget have shown great improvement over the past few years. Not only in how the information is provided, but in the way the plans and budget are structured. The ALAC made several suggestions with regards to the Operating & Financial Plan and Budget, emphasizing that there is not an exact correlation between the number of domains and the income of ICANN. This is important because ICANN relies upon the number of contracted registries and registrars and the number of domains a gTLD has.

The ALAC drafted a separate response to Appendix C, relating to the Evolution of the Multistakeholder Model, following their statement. The At-Large community registered its surprise and disappointment at seeing this important subject, which has been such a major topic of discussion, now relegated to an appendix in this Public Comment - in which it is unlikely to get the time and attention it deserves from the ICANN community.

Public Comment for Decision 

Addendum to the Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – Phase 2  
Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rules (LGRs) for the Second Level Version 2  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Draft Proposal for NextGen@ICANN Program Improvements



Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 1



Drafting team volunteer(s):

Justine Chew


Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) Strategy 2021-2025



Drafting team volunteer(s):



raymondselorm.mamattah (AFRALO)

Dr. T.V. Gopal (APRALO)



Drafting team volunteer(s):

Judith Hellerstein

Phase 1 Initial Report of the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process



Drafting team volunteer(s):



4. Reports

a. Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates  Yaovi, Bob) - 5 min

b. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (Tijani, Dave, Abdulkarim) – 5 min

c. Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS activities (All)  - 5 min

5. Updates/Items for discussion

      a. Updates from ICANN 67 (all) - 5 min

      b. Operating Principles Review Working Group (Isaac Maposa/Abdeljalil Bachar Bong) - 5 min

      c. At-Large Priority Activities - 2020 (Maureen) - 5 min

      d. AFRALO FY21 Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan (Fatimata/Daniel) - 3 min

     e. 2020 AFRALO Regional Selections (AFRALO Leadership) - 5 min

     f.  AFRALO Newsletter update (Sarah and Newsletter team) - 3 min

6. New At-Large Structure (ALS) & individual member applications (Sarah) – 5 min

     ALS applications

288    Liberia Information Technology students Union - Contact Person: Foldestine Pay

282    Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - Contact Person: Khadidja Moctar Ahmat

7. AOB – 5 min

Ordre du Jour (Français) 

  1. Appel - Liste de Présence (Personnel) – 2 min
  2. Revue des actions à entreprendre de la réunion précédente (Personnel, Sarah) – 5 min
  3. Commentaires publics d' ICANN (Seun) – 5 min

At-Large Ressources Directives

Commentaires et conseils sur la politique de l'ALAC 2019
Résumé de ligne d'action At-Large
Résumé Exécutif At-large
Graphique d'evolution des recommendations des multi-parties prenantes

Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC

Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Draft Report
Executive Summary TBD

ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board on ISOC/PIR Issue (soumis au Conseil d'administration de l'ICANN le 31 janvier 2020)
Executive Summary TBD

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (soumis au Conseil d'administration de l'ICANN le 24 décembre 2019)

Prior to ICANN66, At-Large and other community groups within ICANN identified the issue, released several reports on the topic of DNS Abuse. In advance of ICANN66, At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) led by Co-Chairs Jonathan Zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond discussed recent DNS Abuse research and how DNS Abuse impacts the Internet end user community, including the erosion of trust and security. During ICANN66, At-Large organized a policy session on “DNS Abuse – End User Concerns”, with a panel presentation. Jonathan Zuck and Joanna Kulesza, ALAC Member, moderated the session and summarized how At-Large can enhance Internet end user protection against DNS Abuse. The ALAC drafted ALAC Advice on the topic during ICANN66, and finalized the draft in subsequent CPWG meetings. The ALAC Advice on DNS Abuse was submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019.

ALAC Advice
The ALAC made a series of (8) recommendations to the ICANN Board. The ALAC emphasized that community dialogue cannot delay or defer ICANN’s commitments or operations related to DNS Abuse. Their recommendations speak to the insufficiency of the status quo, and stressed their recommendations that no new round will be approved without substantial changes in the area of DNS Abuse. Please read the full advice here.

Commentaire public pour décision

Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 février 2020
Second Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR2) Review Team Draft Report 04 mars 2020

Déclarations actuelles (avis, commentaires ou correspondance de l'ALAC)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Draft Proposal for NextGen@ICANN Program Improvements



Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 1



Drafting team volunteer(s):

Justine Chew


Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) Strategy 2021-2025



Drafting team volunteer(s):



raymondselorm.mamattah (AFRALO)

Dr. T.V. Gopal (APRALO)



Drafting team volunteer(s):

Judith Hellerstein

Phase 1 Initial Report of the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process



Drafting team volunteer(s):



4. Rapports

a. Dernières infos du Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Afrique  Yaovi, Bob) - 5 min

b. Activités récentes / à venir de l'ALAC (Tijani, Dave, Abdulkarim) - 5 min

c. Activités récentes / à venir des membres d'AFRALO (tous) - 5 min

5. Sujets de discussion

     a. Rapport de l'ICANN 67 (tous) - 5 min

     b. Groupe de travail sur l'examen des principes de fonctionnement (Isaac Maposa/Abdeljalil Bachar Bong) - 5 min

     c. Activités prioritaires du At-Large - 2020 (Maureen) - 5 min

     d. AFRALO FY21 Plan Stratégique de sensibilisation et d'engagement (Fatimata/Daniel) - 3 min

     e. Sélections régionales AFRALO 2020 (AFRALO Leadership) - 5 min

     f.  AFRALO Newsletter (Sarah, Newsletter team) - 3 min

6. Nouvelles demandes de Structure At-Large (ALS) et les candidatures individuelles (Sarah) - 5min

    Demandes d'ALS

288    Liberia Information Technology students Union - Candidature de: Foldestine Pay

282    Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - Candidature de: Khadidja Moctar Ahmat

7. Question diverses (tous) – 5 min