At Large TTF - 2013-06-24 Action Items
At Large TTF - 2013-06-24 Action Items
Ongoing AIs::
AI (ongoing): TTF must evaluate and review tools used by At-Large and inform ICANN of the situation regarding accessibility
AI: (in progress) Lance to create a template for structuring information in the Technology Workspace .
AI (ongoing) Developing glossary of terms to be put on wiki for ease of reference
AI (ongoing) in Lucid format:
Find date in Durban for TTF informal meeting post Sunday
Assigned to: Staff (Gisella/ Nathalie)
Due Date: next TTF call
New Action items In LUCID meetings format:
- TTF members to look at contents of the Ideas for Improving the Organisation of the At Large content wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99545375/Ideas+for+improving+the+organisation+of+At-Large+content and leave comments
Assigned to: Unassigned
Due date: None
- Chair to copy TTF members' comments re previous Action item on the wiki.
Assigned to: Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Due date: None
- Staff to send doodle to the list for TTF call on the 8th July
Assigned to: Nathalie Peregrine
Due date: None