At-Large Technology Taskforce Summary Minutes 2012-11-19

At-Large Technology Taskforce Summary Minutes 2012-11-19

TTF WG call

Summary Minutes and Action Items

19 November 2012


Minutes of the meeting


Dev started the call, and presented the Toronto presentation for At -Large Social media strategy.


Dev reviewed the AIs posted in the WIKI.


Review of At large social media strategy

There were quite a lot of comments from attendees to the social media strategy.

At Large already has a U tube channel and presented layer (technology to add digital content to print media).

It makes content interactive.

Eduardo Diaz mentioned that the recording of meetings could be presented as podcast, rather than going to the wiki to find it.

We have tried to reach as much people as possible.

Possibility of creating social media applications.

Any comments or thoughts?

Gordon: A couple of things:

-As much as we introduce ourselves in the social media it will be difficult to introduce people, we need some coordination effort with the new communication executive in ICANN. For most of the applications mobile applications are available.

TT: T:  podcasts would be a useful platform but in practice requires personnel dedicated at the very least. re: riffraff’s . They are here in diff guise already we need to be inclusive yes it means undesired elements but we should ne driven by inclusiveness.

We have some of the material already available.

Dev: Concern with mobile applications is that if they encapsulate what is ICANN. This is something ICANN needs to do.

TT: On social media platforms to use: mobile or otherwise we need to be strategic in identifying which would be most useful for our objectives. IMO Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube useful Facebook possibly but merges personal with professional.

Gordon: We may want to look into platform neutrality.


Dev: One key question is who do you think should be the ones who push the social media content.?


OCL: The current system is that the person who is in charge is Matt so staff is in charge. We do need someone to animate the space. It is great to have volunteers and then it gets tedious. When volunteers are gone, then the site cannot be updated. There is a wider social media strategy, which will take place all over ICANN. And at the moment there are no details of the strategy apart from the My ICANN website.


Dev: The difficulty is having volunteer people.


TT:     Social media is it largely to share/push at large icann info? or do we want it to interactive? Integration into existing platforms also key.

Dev: We would like it to be interactive.


Multilingual aspect of the Social Media. - 6 UN languages at least. At the moment it is not achievable. Scalability issue: Multiple At-Large multimedia channels.


Next steps: Work with Matt and see how to use the At Large social media strategy.


Gordon: The list of At Large work status is incomplete.

It you go to the NARALO page there is a monthly report.

You'll find a list of work groups in which list of NARALO were involved.


Gordon: One thing is that the number of clicks, it can become inconvenient. The search engine can be of limited use as well. 

We should document what it takes to get to a couple of places.


AI: To document the number of steps that takes to find something on the WIKI. 


OCL: The website we should create it totally separate from the WIKI.

There is a larger process to re-organize the website.


Update on LACRALO machine translation email issues


One of the key things according to David Closson, there are issues with punctuation, it is very hard to get machine translation. There should be a set of guidelines.

One of the LACRALO WG's is working to develop the guidelines and once the guidelines are published, there should be an improvement.

AOB: Accessibility of ICANN services.

AI:  Have a page on accessibility of the tools used by At Large.

OCL: It is an opportune moment to bring this forward and put it to the table. There are a few people that attend ICANN meetings that have accessibility issues. For example someone which visual impairment.


AI: To add to Agenda and evaluate which tools are accessible or not to people with disabilities.


AI : add YouTube integration so that content posted to At Large YouTube channel is auto posted to At-Large social media.


AI on social media strategy - work with Matt from At-Large Staff to begin publishing content that would normally be distributed by At-Large staff