At Large TTF - 2013-05-30 AC Chat

At Large TTF - 2013-05-30 AC Chat

Taken from the LUCID meeting room:

6:50 PMNathalie PeregrineDear all, Welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce meeting on the 30th May 2013
6:51 PMNathalie PeregrinePlease dial into the Adigo audio bridge for this session #1638 as there will be no audio enabled in the LUCID meeting room
6:51 PMGordon Chillcotthi, Natalie. Thanks for answering my question faster than I could type it :)
6:52 PMNathalie PeregrineMy pleasure!
6:52 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghHello everyone
6:53 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghHi Gordon!
6:53 PMNathalie PeregrineHello!
6:53 PMGordon ChillcottHi, Dev. Just getting onto the phone.
6:53 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghGreat, awaiting dialout
6:55 PMNathalie PeregrineDev, Adigo are dialling out to you
6:55 PMYaovi AtohounHello all
6:56 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghHello Yaovi
6:56 PMNathalie PeregrineYaovi, we are dialling out to you too
6:59 PMYaovi AtohounI am online. Thanks
7:00 PMYaovi AtohounPlease I am disconnected. The operator can try to call me on +229 21154649
7:01 PMOlivier Crepin-LeblondHello!
7:02 PMYaovi AtohounThe problem is that there is no Audio yet as in Adobe. I am waiting for the operator to call me back
7:04 PMNathalie PeregrineLance, you will need to dial into the Adigo audio bridge #1638
7:04 PMNathalie PeregrineYaovi, we are dialling back to you
7:05 PMYaovi AtohounThank you. Lets try this new number
7:05 PMYaovi Atohoun+229 21154649
7:05 PMLance HindsThanks Nathalie I am in
7:05 PMNathalie PeregrineThank you Yaovi, and great nws Lance!
7:07 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghHello
7:07 PMYaovi AtohounHello
7:09 PMHeidi UllrichHi All
7:09 PMHeidi UllrichThe Beta of Lucid Meetings will be presented in Beta format in Durban
7:10 PMYaovi AtohounI am back online and I can hear you now
7:10 PMNathalie Peregrineexcellent Yaovi!
7:12 PMGordon ChillcottI'll hold mine for now.
7:13 PMYaovi AtohounDev please could you speak a bit loudly?
7:13 PMNathalie PeregrineDev sees that as he is a facilitator
7:18 PMYaovi Atohounvery interesting feature
7:24 PMHeidi UllrichOlivier, I thought you were taking a LOT of notes!
7:26 PMOlivier Crepin-LeblondI have a pen & paper next to me
7:30 PMLance HindsIt's doing so now
7:31 PMGordon ChillcottI see it
7:31 PMDev Anand Teelucksingheveryone seeing the PDF?
7:31 PMOlivier Crepin-Leblondyes -- and I've also managed to download it
7:31 PMOlivier Crepin-Leblondusing the button at the bottom of the PDF
7:31 PMLance HindsYou also have the option to download...which is good
7:32 PMOlivier Crepin-LeblondThere's no private messaging, is there?
7:32 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghNo private messaging
7:33 PMYaovi Atohoun@Nathalie, Please is it possible that the operator connects me back to +229 65209067? Thanks
7:33 PMNathalie PeregrineThis feature is being created by Second Rise as we speak, for ICANN only, it will be ready in 2 months' time.
7:33 PMNathalie Peregrineyes Yaovi
7:34 PMYaovi AtohounThank you
7:34 PMNathalie PeregrineSecond Rise are also working on enabling audio in the LUCID meeting room, to allow VoIP connectivity.
7:35 PMGordon ChillcottThank you, Lance!
7:36 PMYaovi AtohounI am back online. Thank you
7:42 PMGordon Chillcott. . . or good document-mining tools.
7:44 PMLance HindsAgreed Gordon
7:52 PMDev Anand TeelucksinghHard to see speaker queue - have to really look at it to see if anyone is in the queue
7:54 PMHeidi Ullrich@Olivier, are you able to get on Skype?
8:00 PMOlivier Crepin-LeblondI am on skype
8:01 PMOlivier Crepin-LeblondI need to go
8:01 PMOlivier Crepin-Leblondbye
8:02 PMLance HindsI am game
8:03 PMLance Hindsokee doke
8:03 PMGordon ChillcottMeeting with Chris? Definitely!
8:04 PMGordon ChillcottI'll be remote.
8:04 PMLance HindsTTF not invited to Durban??? Bias!!!!
8:06 PMLance HindsIs that Moodle still?