EURALO Bylaws Taskforce 2016.05.04 Teleconference AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the EURALO Bylaws Taskforce Teleconference held on Wednesday, 04 May 2016 at 20:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Terri Agnew:Brief reminder of Process
Silvia Vivanco:
Terri Agnew:Action items from 27 April 2016.
Wolf Ludwig:As Olivier said already, some of the Operating Principles didn't prevent serious conflicts in some RALO's -- the question is whether or how far such rules are "adoptable"?
Wolf Ludwig:My recommendation would be not to re-write but to *shorten* the current Bylaws.
Wolf Ludwig:@JJ: the idea of an Advisory Council was too big and nothing but wishfull thinking -- or completely useless as the Board did not even work over the first years!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Wolf +1 on the usefulness of shortening the Bylaws, if that is feasible.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Wolf about Advisory Council: yes, that's exactly my point, it's far better to have a Board with officers fully engaged, and efficient, rather than a supplementary echelon. Rather than dilute, we need to consolidate.
Wolf Ludwig:There may be more chances to get simply shortened Bylaws accepted by a vast majority instead of rewriting them ...
Oksana Prykhodko:Sorry, I did not lower my hand( Regarding Vice-Chair - it depends on duties and responsibilities of officers. If we need only Secretary "to write monthly reports" - we do not need Vice-Chair for this role. If we expect more responsibilities for the second officer - it has to be Vice-Chair.
Wolf Ludwig:You first have to find somebody who is prepared and committed to act as a Vice-Chair and not just "holding a title".
Wolf Ludwig:@JJ: agree -- how you call them is secondary, important is that they can work together and it's a functioning team.
Wolf Ludwig:The leadership elected by all members is always better and more transparant than leaders selected by s small Board!
Mikhail Medrish:@Wolf I agree
Oksana Prykhodko:@JJS +1
Wolf Ludwig:That's the point JJ -- but may become a problem as well.
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Olivier, if we had to vote, I would say "Vice-Chair".
Wolf Ludwig:You wouldn't find anybody for the Secretariat just to do the "office" work with no further advantages!
Sebastien:Afralo Chair, VC and S
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier, naturally!
Sebastien:Apralo Chair, 2 VC and S
Sebastien:Lacralo Chair and S
Sebastien:Naralo Chair and S
Silvia Vivanco:Please state your name before speaking for transcript
Sebastien:For Euralo I suggest to have Chair and Secretariat
Mikhail Medrish:@Sebastian Secretary or Secritariat&
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:dropped from call but listening on Adobe Connect
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Michael you are next plzease
Silvia Vivanco:Adigo is dialing Olivier
Silvia Vivanco:now
Wolf Ludwig:I agree with Sébastein!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am back on
Wolf Ludwig:plus 1 Séb
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Sébastien, that sounds like an interesting suggestion, straight out of "Nuit Debout"? Get rid of the Board?...
Wolf Ludwig:Exactly, if one day we have plenty of active members than a more complex structure may work -- this was the wishful thinking by the Germans when drafting the current Bylaws!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier, that was just irony on my part, sorry!
Wolf Ludwig:Good point, Olivier!
Wolf Ludwig:Let's be orientated to something that *practically* works!
Oksana Prykhodko:I do not know results of today's activity of the EURALO Board, but maybe we have to enhance WG mechanism?
Oksana Prykhodko:+1
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier: task does not exclude leadership.
Wolf Ludwig:Can work and can fail on other cases as well ...
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Mikhail: but it does work in many volunteer associations...
Wolf Ludwig:And if they don't assume their duties? You cannot force them!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Olivier: currently, who are the members of the EURALO Board, and is each of those members in charge of any specific task? Are they all occupied?
Wolf Ludwig:NO JJ
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Mikhail Medrish:@JJS Me too :)
Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Wolf: yes, let's reinforce the Board, rather than add an Advisory Council...
Matthieu Camus:thank you for the discussion! bye!!
Mikhail Medrish:Thanks and bye
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you, bye!