EURALO Bylaws Taskforce 2016.04.27 Teleconference Action Items

EURALO Bylaws Taskforce 2016.04.27 Teleconference Action Items


Article 4.6 EURALO's by-laws needs to be re-drafted to change verb tense Euralo Individual Association: This ALS shall be characterized as "non-geographical (for the  organization EURALO individuals by laws) No special rights No hyperlinks to be included in the by-laws

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: REDRAFTING Proposal:

 "4.6 a. A new European ALS has been created to offer a home to unaffiliated individuals from the region.

b. This ALS is part of the existing EURALO structure and needed to fulfil the minimum ALS requirements according to the ALS formation framework and ICANN Bylaws. JJS: under[ b it would be useful to add that this ALS was certified (Staff: add date and reference)]

c. This ALS has the same rights and responsibilities as any other regional ALS. d.This ALS is not specific to one European country and is hence a cross-European entity


Action Items:

  • 2.  Task force to ask all other RALOs regarding financial matters and (mikhail.medrish will forward other RALOs organisational instruments to the mailing list)

          3. Bodies of association and officers to be reviewed next week. Part F -  relating to Mikhail's note that "Governing bodies, EURALO officers and their functions do not correspond to the real life"

  • 4. Gisella Gruber  to send a doodle out,  in coordination with Olivier, to schedule a call next week.