Technology Taskforce Meeting 2015.02.12 Singapore- AC Chat
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (2/11/2015 15:51) Hello Gordon
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:52) Hello everyone
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (15:52) Tansi, good day everyone
Ariel Liang: (15:53) Hello, my name is Ariel Liang and I will be
monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote
participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who are
³in-room² participants. When submitting a question that you want me to read
out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if you have
one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When
submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud of the mic, once
again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your
sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>. Text outside these
quotes will be considered as part of ³chat² and will not be read out loud on
the mic.Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will
not be read aloud.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:53) Hello Ariel
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (15:53) Hi Ariel, can you adjust the chat box
size. We can only see one to two lines at a time.
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (15:54) Please and thank you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:54) Hello Anthony, well there will be slides
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (15:54) ok thanks Dev
Glenn McKnight: (15:55) Hi All
Glenn McKnight: (15:56) We have a slideshow for the session
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (15:56) Good evening ALL
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (15:56) ECHO FROM DEV
Glenn McKnight: (15:57) Sounds good
Glenn McKnight: (15:58) Judith dropped off her bag and stepped out
Gordon Chillcott: (15:59) Echo again, Dev
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:00) hmm
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:00) any breakfast in singapore?
Glenn McKnight: (16:00) hi
Glenn McKnight: (16:01) Yes we have breakfast
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:03) hello Anthonu and Gordon
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:03) Anthony :)
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (16:03) Hi Murray
Gunela Astbrink: (16:12) Hi everyone. Sorry I was late.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:12) Hello Gunela
Gunela Astbrink: (16:12) Hi Dev Anand
Glenn McKnight: (16:14) Hi GUnella
Glenn McKnight: (16:14) We are holding the comments and questions to the
Gunela Astbrink: (16:15) Hi Glenn
Glenn McKnight: (16:17) Joly is a leader on this too
Glenn McKnight: (16:17) he uses Amara
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:17) I'll just say a few words on the LACRALO
Ariel Liang 2: (16:18) @Anthony I will work on the adjustment
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:18) I have a thought on translation for
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:19) Alternative Social Media for China =
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:20) and QQ
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (16:20) Thanks Ariel!
Glenn McKnight: (16:20) Thanks murray
Glenn McKnight: (16:20) We need to add it the list
Ariel Liang 2: (16:21) my pleasure
Glenn McKnight: (16:28) Murray do you have another question?
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:30) no
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:33) I still believe we should have IBM
sponser the open data initiative and employ IBM`s Watson.
Glenn McKnight: (16:35) no sound from Gunella
Gunela Astbrink: (16:35) I'l type a question
Gunela Astbrink: (16:35) Ok
Glenn McKnight: (16:37) are you on adigo?
Glenn McKnight: (16:38) yes
Glenn McKnight: (16:38) proceed
Glenn McKnight: (16:41) We have 20 minutes left in the sessio
Gordon Chillcott: (16:41) Having said that, wd coud do more.
Glenn McKnight: (16:42) Gordon and All we are really looking for
suggestions on what exactly we can do more
Heidi Ullrich: (16:42) @Murray, please send your coments to Cory of ICANN
Glenn McKnight: (16:43) zoom
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:44) @Heidi I will be sending comments to
Cory and would suggest we have a debrief with all remote hubs post ICANN52
Lance Hinds: (16:44) Tools with lower bandwidth requirements are crtical
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:44) @Glenn I have used zoom and like this
for simplicity and features
Heidi Ullrich: (16:44) @Murray, please define "we" ?
Heidi Ullrich: (16:44) The TTF have a debrief with the remote hubs?
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:45) @ Heidi, We refers to all remote hubs
who participated from around the world
Heidi Ullrich: (16:45) @Murray, should I ask Cory to set this up?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:46) Welcome Lance
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:47) Good to see many remote attendees using
technology ;-D
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:47) @Heidi Yes the TTF should have an
agenda item for remote hubs, perhaps in our next regular meeting and yes
would welcome Cory to join us if the chair agrees
judith hellerstein: (16:49) @murray you can go next if you want
Glenn McKnight: (16:50) lets do the next call focused on a Joint
presentation by Murray and CORY
Gordon Chillcott: (16:51) +1, Glenn
Heidi Ullrich: (16:53) @Dev, is that an AI for the call?
Glenn McKnight: (16:53) Gunella you are next
Lance Hinds: (16:55) A requirements analysis document
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:56) @Heidi suggested action item: "
Murray McKercher and Cory from ICANN technical staff to draft short joint
presentation of feedback ands strategy from remote hubs from both LA and
Singapore Meetings"
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (16:56) To be added to agenda for next TTF
judith hellerstein: (17:00) thanks all for your participation on todays
Gunela Astbrink: (17:00) Thank you to both the Chairs!
Murray McKercher (Toronto): (17:00) Best wishes from snowy Toronto bye
Gordon Chillcott: (17:00) Thanks, all. !
Gunela Astbrink: (17:00) Bye
Anthony Niiganii (MBE-ALS): (17:01) Bye everyone! Ekosi!