Action items: 2021-05-05 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
Action items: 2021-05-05 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- marita.mollto submit ICANN71 Plenary Topic proposal as confirmed by CPWG (before 23:59 UTC today).
- Laurin Weissinger volunteered to contribute on the drafting team of the ALAC statement for upcoming DAAR Public Comment.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to share ALAC Advice on Subsequent Procedures (translations) with RALO leadership for dissemination within their communities.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to keep ALAC Advice on EPDP in the PC table, and put Transfer Policy PDP WG as standing agenda item.
- gregory.shatanto circulate draft ALAC statement on GNSO RPMs PC in advance of next CPWG meeting.
- Claudia Ruizto schedule next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 12 May at 13 UTC.
, multiple selections available,