FBSC Action Items 2013-03-20

FBSC Action Items 2013-03-20



OCL:  Has request of the WS been made through the IGF

Tijani: The request will be done today-tomorrow. Deadline 22 March.

CLO: Suggested that AFRALO contact Rinalia

AI: CLO to contact Rinalia and ask her to contact AFRALO (Tijani) so that efforts can be combined. - COMPLETED



YJ mentioned other requests that could be funded.

OCL:  AI: Align the request with the AFRALO request.

The APRALO travel support box will be amended to conform with the AFRALO request.

AI: To delete the box requesting Staff support. - COMPLETED



Wolf explained the scope of the ICANN Studenkreis. This is not an ICANN event.

AI: Staff :  To cut and paste the sentence from the box 2 to box called travel support at the end. - COMPLETED



OCL expressed some concern on the size of the funding requested.

Outreach Strategic plan can be seen as duplicating efforts with the Global stakeholder- word of caution from the Chair .


5. Extension of Authorized Departure Date from ExCom

Heidi: This also includes liasions such as the gnso, ccnso, and the extension for the SSAC liasion.


APRALO II Request : ISOC - PH.

This is a local activity.

CLO: Speakers Bureau

Tijani - suggested that  APRALO ALS be added so that's clear that this is an ICANN structure.

OCL: To keep this request on the side.

AI: To follow with the applicant Windtrop Yu cc Apralo that we believe this request is for the Speakers Bureau and we can show the way. - COMPLETED


Next steps: .

Final clean up of the applications.Staff will file these applications with the ICANN controller

AI: Gisella to find a place holder for the week of April 22 - COMPLETED