Terms and Obligations for At-Large Travel Requests for the CROPP

Terms and Obligations for At-Large Travel Requests for the CROPP

RALOs and Outreach members should note the following terms and obligations as established by the ICANN's CROPP and those by the ALAC. Please contact the At-Large Community Regional Outreach Program Review Team (CROP RT) members if there are any questions.

  • Each RALO has up to five (5) regional outreach travel allocations available before the end of ICANN Fiscal Year 2015 which ends June 30 2015. This means the travel MUST conclude before June 30 2015.
  • Proposed Trips must originate and conclude within the same region and should, wherever practicable, be taken by someone working in or proximate to that territory.
  • Travel requests must be submitted 8 weeks before any such travel to an event takes place.
  • The Travel Request purpose/goal must be consistent with any established regional engagement strategy, where applicable, and/or ICANN's overall mission.
  • Any single outreach event may be attended by multiple persons; however, each traveller is counted as utilizing one (1) of the RALO's travel allocations.
  • The CROPP funding for any outreach travel is limited to transportation, lodging and a per diem for up to three (3) daystwo (2) nights ONLY per traveller.
  • Travel requests cannot be used for travel to a regularly scheduled ICANN Meeting.
  • If approved, travellers must prepare an complete post­event Trip Assessment within two weeks after the return date which describes how the original purpose(s) and outcome(s) were realized. This would be filed with ICANN as part of the CROPP program.

See also CROPP Program Elements page for ICANN's CROPP principles and criteria