2016-01-20 GAC GNSO CG
The meeting of the GAC and GNSO Consultation Group is scheduled on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 at 14:00 UTC.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/hapxkch
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/
Proposed Agenda:
1. Review draft recommendations on:
GNSO Liaison to the GAC
Quick Look Mechanism
PDP Improvements
2. Discuss next steps
3. Confirm time / date for next meeting - 16 February at 14.00 UTC (?)
MP3 recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-gac-20jan16-en.mp3
Notes 16 January 2016 meeting
Apologies received:Jonathan Robinson, Paul McGrady, Amr Elsadr, Jorge Cancio, Suzanne Radell, Olof Nordling
Attendees: Manal Ismail, Mark Carvell, Pedo Matos, Phil Corwin, Mason Cole
Documents were circulated prior to the meeting for review. Developed by staff in consultation with the CG leadership.
Consider setting a deadline for input on the three documents that were circulated.
GNSO Liaison to the GAC:
Proposed CG response / recommendation is based on the previous discussion and input provided.
Consider shortening the first recommendation to bring it more in line with the other recommendations in the document. Also consider enumerating the recommendations. Consider adding 'regular' to timely updates to ensure that GNSO policy activities stay at the forefront.
Consider reorganising the structure before it is submitted to the GNSO and GAC so that the individual views are removed and focus is on the actual recommendations. For the background on the recommendations, the GNSO and GAC can be referred to earlier versions of the document and/or CG meetings.
Update 2nd recommendation to include 'and' instead of but.
Change outgoing to former (third skill description)
Update - Liaison to be reviewed on an annual basis (in the form of a conversation between the liaison and the Council) / confirmed on a yearly basis.
Clarify last recommendation that not being considered a non-voting member does not mean the liaison is considered a voting member. Check how other liaisons are referred to. Liaison should be able to participate and attend GNSO Council meetings, but not necessarily considered as a member of the Council.
CG to review proposed simplification / modifications proposed
CG to consider whether additional PDPs are needed to 'test' the proposed simplified process before it is recommended that it is included in the PDP manual and how that aligns with the work plan of the CG. Note that at this stage no new PDPs are imminent (as far as staff is aware).
Table provides overview of all stages of the PDP, including recommendations already implemented, recommendations being considered and some new ideas for CG review and discussion.
Next steps:
Deadline for review of the GNSO Liaison to the GAC document: Monday 25 January, following which proposed recommendations are shared with the GNSO and GAC for review.
Deadline for feedback on QLM proposed modifications and questions (see above): 1 February
Deadline for feedback on PDP engagement opportunities: 8 February
Next meeting to be scheduled for Tuesday 16 February at 14.00 UTC.