2014-11-16 GAC GNSO CG
Themeeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of 16 December 2014 at 13:00 UTC.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST For other times: http://tinyurl.com/klbh6yg
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/
Proposed Agenda:
1. GAC Early engagement in new PDPs, attached:
o Issue Scoping and Quick Look Mechanism Annotated Cover (focus of this call’s discussion)
o Issue Scoping and Quick Look Mechanism Flow Chart (discussed last call)
o ccNSO Triage Template (circulated as per members’ request)
o ccNSO Prioritization Process Flow (circulated as per members’ request)
2. GAC-GNSO dialogue on ongoing topics
o Any updates or requirements regarding the IGO/INGO ongoing coordination?
o Do we need to develop a general proposal for this work track?
3. AoB
For review:
Updates / Action items - 7/10 meeting:
1. GAC Early Engagement in new PDPs:
- Review of Issue Scoping Gac Quick Look Mechanism document (see attached)
- Discuss which, if any, questions should be called out for further discussion by GNSO and GAC in Singapore
- Consider using highlighted areas in the form of questions to respective groups
- How to best present it to avoid information overload as not everyone will have been privy to the detailed conversations?
- Consider selecting a test case in which this could be used.
- Consider making the joint GNSO-GAC meeting in Singapore a working session to encourage debate
- GAC CG members to review proposed timelines and comment on whether these are reasonable or whether a F2F meeting would be required to take a decision on recommendation of Quick Look Mechanism Committee - also a question to be put forward to the whole GAC in Singapore.
- Some noted that as it merely concerns flagging, it may be possible to do this intercessionally.
- Flagging at Preliminary Issue Report stage will allow the GAC to organize and prepare as deemed appropriate to provide substantive input to the PDP WG at a later stage of the processs.
- Possible question could be: would a 20 day timeframe be sufficient for a quick look mechanism.
- Consider whether there are other variations of current options a, b and c?
- Consider adding questions to each row intended for GAC-GNSO input
- Make sure that everyone understands that this is the beginning of the beginning - early engagement as a first step of a longer process of engagement in the PDP. Add step after 11 to make clear that this is just the end of the initial phase (issue scoping).
2. GAC-GNSO dialogue on ongoing topics
o Any updates or requirements regarding the IGO/INGO ongoing coordination?
- IGO coalition is engaging with NGPC as well as reviewing questions submitted by the GNSO IGO-INGO Curative Rights PDP WG
o Do we need to develop a general proposal for this work track?
- Charter highlights deliverables in relation to this area
- Consider whether a flow chart or table should be developed for this area. Marika to work with Mason on a draft for the next meeting.
Next meeting is scheduled for 6 January 2015 at 14.00 UTC.