2014-06-10 GAC GNSO CG
2014-06-10 GAC GNSO CG
The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 10 June 2014 at 13:00 UTC.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST For other times: http://tinyurl.com/klbh6yg
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/
Proposed Agenda:
1. Work Track I: Review Draft Requirements & Proposed Selection Process for GNSO Liaison to the GAC (version: attached)
2. Work Track II: Discuss / Finalize proposals for GAC early engagement in GNSO PDP phases 1 & 2 (version: attached)
3. Review slides for London (version: attached)
4. AOB
For review:
- GAC-GNSO CG - London Slides 070614.pptx
- GNSO Liaison to the GAC - DRAFT 06 June 2014.pdf
- GAC Engagement in GNSO PDP - 13 May 2014.pdf
Updates / Action items - 10/6 meeting:
Work Track I
- CG members to provide comments by Friday 13 June at the latest on proposed requirements & proposed selection process for GNSO liaison to the GAC
- Include GAC liaison document as a link in the various materials instead of circulating separately not to create 'document overload' (note - this has already been included as a link in the briefing document)
- Include draft watermark to document to make clear it is a draft as well as pdf format to make clear there is scope for input from GAC as well as GNSO
Work Track II
- Present first two steps during joint meeting (Issue Scoping & Initiation)
- Show chart with all PDP phases - Marika to send revised PDP graphic to Manal and Jonathan
- Use feedback on survey to determine if/how input from GAC can/should be triggered during first two steps
- Suzanne to review comments / questions section in curent document
- What is impact of GAC involvement early on? Re. timing for example.
- Consider whether a 'quick' look procedure could be appropriate for the GAC to provide input on the Preliminary Issue Report (and be able to flag whether or not at the Issue Scoping phase there are any public policy concerns that may need to be considered)
- Objective: make GAC aware of all mechanisms available to provide input; enable GAC to provide input in a timely / meaningful way; if/when GAC decides to provide input, what are the consequences as well as impact on timing; how to manage multiple PDPs going on in parallel.
- Further consideration may need to be given to additional (staff) support to be able for the GAC to provide early input
- 'Triage' committee on the GAC side may also be an option to explore to be able to deal with requests coming in and/or manage 'quick look' procedure
- Add some bullets on ideas shared to presentation, noting that these are suggestions / ideas at this stages and not recommendations (yet)