2014-04-29 GAC GNSO CG

2014-04-29 GAC GNSO CG

The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 29 April.

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Proposed Agenda:

1.       Discuss / Adopt the proposed work plan (version attached), including:

a.       Schedule for Consultation Group meetings

b.      Schedule for Team Leads meetings


2.       Discuss / Adopt a proposed way forward for Work Stream 1 – Day to Day (version dated 18Feb):

a.       Discuss inter-sessionally and finalize 2 options (out of 6) on each call, in terms of:

                                                               i.      Confirming its description, how it achieves, how it works in practice, whether it requires funding and whether it's possible to implement as a pilot right away ..

                                                             ii.      Addressing the potential issues

                                                            iii.      Working its pros & cons

                                                           iv.      Identifying whether it's mutually exclusive with other options

b.      Share with GAC / GNSO


3.       Discuss / Adopt a proposed way forward for Work Stream 2 – PDP (text version dated 3Dec, to facilitate commenting):

a.       Divide issues into 4 clusters by PDP phase

b.      Finalize one cluster per call

c.       Share with GAC / GNSO


4.       Map work streams deliverables on the work plan


5.       AOB


Action items - 29/4 meeting:

  • Slot vacated by Mikey O'Connor still needs to be filled - call for volunteers has been circulated to GNSO Council list
  • Amr confirmed as co-lead for PDP work stream (but limited availability until May 15)
  • Manal will work with Heather to identify volunteer slot vacated by Carlos Gutierrez
  • Members of CG have until end of Friday (2 May) to come back on any items on the action/update list for comment / input - after that, it will be considered agreed
  • Schedule for team leads - proposal to have those at the same time / date on the alternating weeks (Tuesday's at 13.00 UTC - 30 minutes for each track)
  • Day-to-day track: confirm objectives & expectations on the mailing list and request input on whether there are any other options to be considered. Circulate first two options (A & B) in separate document and email for CG input / feedback, both on the descriptions as well as pros & cons. Consider re-circulation to GNSO and GAC for review / input - which should not delay the work of the CG..
  • PDP-track: Marika to review document and break up into phases, possibly three to accommodate meetings until London (incl. numbering). Focus may be on initial phases (early on in the PDP) initially, as after GNSO Council adoption formal mechanisms are already in place (and it is no longer solely within GNSO's remit)
  • PDP-Track: update table headings (Proposals / Potential Issues)
  • Proposed similar format for London meetings as in Singapore (GAC-GNSO joint session to provide CG status update & opportunity to engage informally on Sunday evening)