2014-01-12 GAC GNSO CG

2014-01-12 GAC GNSO CG

The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 21 January.

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/

Proposed Agenda:

- Confirm Charter

-          Confirm co-leads of both work tracks

o   Suzanne & Mikey on PDP

o   Jonathan & Manal on Regular Liaison / Communication

-          Overview of the PDP diagram (Circulated on Jan. 14th, 2014) -  15 min. (Mikey)

-          Agree on the relevant documents/material for each work track as well as the way forward (And targets to be reported on the following call):

o   PDP

§  Table on GAC Engagement in GNSO Policy Development Process including Mikey’s questions (draft of Dec. 3rd, 2013)

§  GNSO PDP Process Overview – slides prepared by Mikey (version circulated on Jan. 14th, 2014)

§  Mikey’s slides on GNSO PDP Process Overview edited by Marika (circulated on Jan. 16th, 2014)

o   Day-to-Day

§  ‘Reverse Liaison – mind map’ diagram – Prepared by Marika and Olof (circulated on Jan. 10th, 2014)

§  ‘EXCERPTS FROM GAC WORKING METHODS PROPOSAL FOR THE GNSO-GAC EARLY ENGAGEMENT WORKING GROUP’ prepared by Gema in the context of GAC working methods working group

(circulated to the group before the creation of the mailing list on Dec. 9th, 2013)

-          AOB

Updates / Action items - 21/1 meeting:

  • Action Items – GAC-GNSO Consultation Group on Early Engagement – Meeting 21 January 2013
  • Members are encouraged to comment on the latest version of the draft Charter by Friday 24 January at the latest. Mikey as penholder will adapt Charter in light of comments received prior to next call for final review (see latest version circulated by Mikey yesterday attached)
  • New email thread to be opened by Jonathan on considering interim proposals for ongoing communication function between GNSO-GAC while formal proposal(s) is being developed.
  • Mikey to connect with Suzanne to review PP slides on GNSO PDP before next call in view of providing an overview of the existing PDP and existing early engagement opportunities at the next meeting.
  • Marika and Olof to transform liaison mind map into table format, identifying main questions and issues to be addressed.
  • Next meeting will take place on 28 February at 14.00 UTC