2015-03-10 GAC GNSO CG

2015-03-10 GAC GNSO CG

The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 10 March at 13:00 UTC.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST For other times: http://tinyurl.com/klbh6yg
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Roll call / welcome
  2. Membership update
  3. ICANN meeting in Singapore & current status review
  4. Review draft work plan and discuss way forward
  5. Confirm next meeting & next steps

For review:

Proposed Timeline for GAC-GNSO CG - 2 March 2015.docx

Updates / Action items - 10/3 meeting:

2. Membership Update

Olga Cavalli has joined the CG as a representative from the GAC.

GNSO to review distribution of members amongst SG/C to ensure balance and adequate representation.

Action item: Olof to confirm membership from the GAC side and ensure all members on the list are still interested in staying on.

Action item: Marika to confirm membership from the GNSO side and ensure all members on the list are still interested in staying on.

3. ICANN meeting in Singapore & current status review

Presentation to and discussion with the GAC during the GAC-GNSO joint session. Support expressed in the GAC Communique to go ahead with the Preliminary Recommendations concerning Issue Scoping. Formal approval anticipated during next week's GNSO Council meeting (19 March) to go ahead with trial period.

4. Review draft work plan and discuss way forward

What are the success criteria that will be used to evaluate the quick look mechanism? Maybe the CG should have a wider look, beyond how the GAC and GNSO may make assessment, at what the success measures are for this as well as possible future recommendations. Should CG have closer look at whether/how the success criteria are met, and if not, what was the point of failure? Ensure that success criteria are identified for any and all recommendations that are developed by the CG.

Action item: develop / map success criteria for pilot (Amr, Carlos and Olga to develop first draft)

In relation to a possible procedure for how to proceed in cases where GAC early input is in conflict with a GNSO proposal and a mutual agreement could not be found - is it possible to have a very firm process around that, or is it something that should be evaulated in process. Sub-processes could potentially be identified for each stages in case GAC advice/input differs from GNSO (preliminary) recommendations/viewpoint. Key issue is to exchange information and enhance understanding between the different parties which is aimed to increase mutual understanding and reduce potential for conflicts.

Merge two work streams and work though these as a committee of the whole. Support for proposed meeting schedule (meeting every three weeks).

Action item: Staff to prepare list of items that need to be worked on, including proposed priority order. Review reference materials that have been prepared earlier and could serve as a starting point.

Next meeting will be scheduled for 24 March at 14.00 UTC.