2014-05-27 GAC GNSO CG
The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 27 May 2014.
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/
Proposed Agenda:
1. Review the briefing note to be circulated in advance of ICANN London (version: attached)
2. Review Day-to-day work track (version: attached)
· Discuss / Finalize options A, F & E
3. Review PDP work track (version: attached)
· Discuss / Finalize proposals for phases 1 & 2
4. Consider material for ICANN London
· Presentation
· The survey (Draft here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=ezpA8R9gJ46f0o8Zpss1JqDqTwjJx7XstxMT5d73LSY%3d)
5. AOB
Action items - 27/5 meeting:
- Role/job specification for liaison - Marika prepared first draft which is to be shared with Jonathan, Manal and Olof
- All members encouraged to provide input on briefing note by Friday 30 May at the latest following which it will be shared with the GAC and GNSO on Monday 2 June
- Provide input to the survey by Friday 30 May at the latest (see http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=ezpA8R9gJ46f0o8Zpss1JqDqTwjJx7XstxMT5d73LSY%3d) - following that the link to the survey will be published as part of the briefing note
Day-to-day work
- In London, put forward recommendations re. liaison to the GAC and GNSO
- Survey will provide further input to develop recommendations in relation to E
- Option F could serve as a potential resource for the liaison and could be brought into specific discussions with the GAC
- Update items A, E and F and use it as a resource / background document to show the conversations / discussions that led to the recommendations
PDP work track
- Clarify terminology steps vs. phases
- Develop a short briefing note to describe first two phases and objectives - walk through by CG with the aim to develop preliminary recommendations/ideas for feedback/discussion in London
London Meeting
- Jonathan and Manal to develop first draft of presentation - others encouraged to provide feedback / input. First draft aimed for next CG meeting (10 June).