2014-05-13 GAC GNSO CG
2014-05-13 GAC GNSO CG
The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 13 May 2014.
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/
Proposed Agenda:
Action items - 13/5 meeting:
- Additional GAC member(s) may not be confirmed until London
- Members of GAC-GNSO CG will have until Friday to comment on the action items coming out of this meeting - following that these will be considered agreed.
- Consider having information / update out prior to the meeting in London to allow for more focused discussion
Day-to-day work track
- Travel funding has been confirmed for the GNSO liaison to the GAC for FY15 from the ICANN meeting in LA onwards (as a pilot project)
- Consider discussing options A and F together as these are closely linked, and possibly C
- Also consider working on E (awareness and notification) - highlighting existing mechanisms and possibly survey GAC members on the usefuleness of those
- Option F not considered inconsistent with A - could be considered a resource to A
- Consider presenting options A-F in London, noting that the proposal is to move forward initially with options A in combination with F, as well as E (survey).
- Role / job specification of liaison is a critical element of option A
- Confirm proposed approach with workplan and adapt workplan as necessary
- Option E - summarize current options, followed by a survey (in combination with discussion in London - also to encourage participation)
- Staff to support development of online survey in combination with a briefing document
PDP work track
- Break down phases along the same way as this is done in the GNSO PDP graphics - update for next version
- Consider starting review of PDP chronologically - first steps first and work way through the existing process
- Important to engage GAC at an early stage incl. at the Issue Report stage
- Need to understand current mechanisms and determine whether anything else should be done, either from the GNSO or GAC side to facilitate early engagement
- Streamlining of communication into GAC will be important element
- Early stages of PDP are marked in the PDP early awareness documents shared with the GAC
- Focus on issue identification / reporting, early opportunities for engagement that currently exist for the short term
- Consider commenting / responding on the documents on the mailing list and then integrate those into the documents (in a timely manner)