2014-04-15 GAC GNSO CG

2014-04-15 GAC GNSO CG

The meeting of the GAC GNSO Consultation Group of Tuesday 15 April.

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Administrative & Practical Issues

a.       Schedule: Between now & London

b.      Objectives: For London

c.       Consultation group additions / subtractions?

d.      Funding application?

2.       Work Stream 1 – Day to Day

a.       Current issues and / or objectives?

b.      Volunteers to take forward?

3.       Work Stream 2 - PDP

a.       Current issues and / or objectives?

b.      Volunteers to take forward?

4.       AOB


Action items - 15/4 meeting:

  • Proposal to capture action items/decisions from meeting and circulate these to the full group for input/feedback/ratification to ensure progress is made despite limited participation on the call

Administrative & Practical Issues:

  • 4 meetings between now and London, including additional meeting on Tuesday 17 June to prepare for ICANN meeting in London
  • Fill slot vacated by Mikey & fill team lead slot with existing member of the group - Amr volunteered to take over team lead slot on PDP work stream together with Susanne
  • Proposal to not further open up membership at this stage, but leave it as an item open for consideration in the future, if need be
  • Manal will also reconfirm GAC membership
  • Board decision on GAC-GNSO travel funding request for GNSO liaison to the GAC is expected to be taken on 30 April Board meeting
  • Capture / define deliverables for London - likely focusing on the different alternatives between now and London, and possible present overall vision by London. Finalize two work streams and work out details on how to get to recommendations and present those in London, and consider public comment period / or timeframe to receive further input following London.
  • Marika & Olof to develop draft timeline for meetings between now and London, including suggested topics for discussion for each meeting for CG review
  • Workstream leads also to consider meeting in between meetings, as possible, to make progress on certain items
  • Consider experimenting with certain solutions / proposals, as appropriate
  • Consider documenting how each item in the day-to-day cooperation affects the overall process