2015-01-06 GAC GNSO CG
2015-01-06 GAC GNSO CG
The GAC GNSO Consultation Group meeting of 6 January 2015 at 13:00 UTC.
06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 London, 15:00 CEST For other times: http://tinyurl.com/klbh6yg
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/gnsocouncil-gac/
Proposed Agenda:
For review:
Updates / Action items - 6/1 meeting:
1. GAC Early engagement in new PDPs
- CG reviewed suggested questions shared by Manal
- Action item (All): CG members encouraged to review document and submit any additional questions that should be added for GAC and/or GNSO consideration (see attached)
- Action item (All): CG members also encouraged to provide input on some of the options that are put forward by Manal in her questions (see attached)
- Need to further define the quick look mechanism committee - who would form the committee (leadership driven, representative, quick in responding and/or reacting)
- GAC will need the opportunity to review these proposals prior to the joint session
- Action item (Marika): Prepare briefing document on this specific topic for CG review which can then be shared with GNSO and GAC in preparation for joint session in Singapore
2. GAC-GNSO dialogue on ongoing topics
- Any updates or requirements regarding the IGO/INGO ongoing coordination? No updates at this stage.
- Update on preparation of general proposal for this work track – Action item (Mason): Mason to review first draft provided by Marika and share with CG for review
3. Planning for Singapore meeting
- Meeting will be scheduled for Monday from 12.30 - 14.00 local time
- Brian Winterfeldt has kindly offered to sponsor the lunch for the CG
- Focus meeting on reviewing input obtained during the Sunday session but allow observers / interested parties to attend and provide input
Next meeting in principle scheduled for 20 January - confirm whether participation is affected by Accountability CCWG F2F meeting