24 April 2017
Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, Ben Fuller, Eduardo Santoyo, Katrina Sataki, Martin Boyle, Mirjana Tasic, Stephen Deerhake, Dejan Djukic
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke braeken
Apologies: David McAuley
- Welcome and roll call
- CCWG WS 2 SO/AC accountability report: need to provide input and feed-back? (attached)
- Guideline Approval Action Procedure (will be circulated before Monday’s call)
- Update Guideline Council Roles and Responsibilities (attached)
- IRP next steps, if any
- Next meeting and Adjourn
- Guideline ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities update April 2017.docx
- SOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 2.0].docx
- SOAC-Accountability Report [Plenary Draft 2.0].pdf
- Draft Guideline Approval Actions version 5.docx
- Draft Guideline Approval Actions version 5.pdf
- Google doc - Guideline: ccNSO Council Roles and Responsibilities
Recordings: Mp3
Chat transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello Mirjana and Alejandra - welcome
Joke Braeken:hello everyone!
Kimberly Carlson:welcome all
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hola Eduardo :)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hi Katrina
Ben Fuller:Perhaps we review and then see if we need ammend the way we work.
Ben Fuller:Good point Bart
Ben Fuller:I will volunteer
Stephen Deerhake:This is a new graphic for me... Looks accurate however...
Stephen Deerhake:21 day is not correct...
Stephen Deerhake:Actually look at 1.4(a) for 21 day decisional period.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Here is the link to Annex D: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_resources_pages_governance_bylaws-2Den-23annexD&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=8kVc-fLsRx3Dr8bVPeZLE9oL9SFBqLtkSyPvMkdbuts&s=Q0Icegeu1UbxiMSTETTAQd_GK1OoHgaHK6Z97RshObI&e=
Stephen Deerhake 2:21 day is corrrect (subject to local ICANN office timezone...)
Stephen Deerhake 2:Approval Action Board Notice will come from ICANN Secretary after the Board formally adopts the Fundamental Bylaw Change...
Stephen Deerhake 2:Bart is correct...
Stephen Deerhake 2:Martin, your analysis is correct. The Council has to be trusted.
Katrina Sataki:theoretically we can have a members vote right after the Community Forum
Stephen Deerhake 2:Katrina is correct as well. Hence the importance to have the community forum at the beginning of the ICANN public meeting ;-)
Stephen Deerhake 2:With regards to the ccNSO abstaining, keep in mind that with an approval process, ICANN must get the OK from 3 SO/ACs of active "approval"...
Katrina Sataki:I am sure that ALAC will support - they have simplified their process and take decision case by case
Stephen Deerhake 2:GNSO is off in the weeds on their decision making capabilitites... ;-)
martin boyle, Nominet:thanks Bart
Stephen Deerhake 2:Thank you Bart for that answer...
martin boyle, Nominet:@ Stephen: not for the first time!
Bart Boswinkel:CCWG WS 1 and CWG stewardship as well as FOI are good examples to work with
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I'll upload it on Google Doc, no problem
Stephen Deerhake 2:With regards to timing it would be nice to have this finalaized by the GRC for the next Council meeting...
Stephen Deerhake 2:May Council meeting.
Stephen Deerhake 2:This looks great Kim...
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Guideline: ccNSO Procedure for the Exercise of the Empowered Community’s rights to Approve Specified Actions on Google Docs: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1VWHAO2ucXikyoJSUpvgiGuMzK4KdLI6mxjUlUHLgwFc_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=8kVc-fLsRx3Dr8bVPeZLE9oL9SFBqLtkSyPvMkdbuts&s=ovCm7uj9NovCcIdBqDcXG1BriF9YhvfTZkH-WFnuIIQ&e=
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I can merge the two documents: Roles & Responsibilities and Council Election Process
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:ok, I leave it to Bart ;)
Bart Boswinkel:To clairfy : isugges to include chair and vice-chair elections in this document
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Oh!
Stephen Deerhake 2:+1 Bart. ;-)
Bart Boswinkel:and roles like Approval Action Manager, ECA member etc
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I think it should be only one document, less confusing
Kimberly Carlson:8 May @12:00 UTC - calendar invite to follow
Stephen Deerhake 2:I urge everyone to get themselves sorted on the Approval Action Guideline so we can approve it in 2 weeks and get it before the Council for their May meeting..
Bart Boswinkel: Chair and vice -chair elections is council repsonsibility
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:@Bart: Now I get it ;)
Stephen Deerhake 2:We need it in place for JNB meeting....
Stephen Deerhake 2:Thnaks all.
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Ben Fuller:Bye all
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! Bye :)
Bart Boswinkel:Thank and Bye
Stephen Deerhake 2:Bye all!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
Katrina Sataki:Thank you! Bye!
Dejan Djukic:Bye