30 January 2017

30 January 2017

Participants:  Martin Boyle, Alejandra Reynoso, Ben Fuller, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Katrina Sataki, Mirjana Tasic, Stephen Deerhake

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke Braeken

Apologies:  Maarten Simon, Eduardo Santoyo


1. Welcome and roll call
2. Liaisons guideline
3. Council elections guideline
4. Travel funding guideline
5. EC update
6. Next Steps
7. AOB
8. Next meeting (Monday 13 February)


Chat transcript:

Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Kimberly Carlson:Your audio is choppy - at best Stephen
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome all
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hi Katrina!
David McAuley:I seem to have a dead phone battery
Joke Braeken:hello everyone, welcome
Katrina Sataki:Hello people! :)
David McAuley:Hello all
David McAuley:am charging battery - will try to dial in shortly
Kimberly Carlson:@David, let me know if I can assist with anything. I have sent a ticket in re: the 404 error
David McAuley:Thanks Kim - I am a bit surprised with my phone issue - got a problem I am trying to sort
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello everybody
Ben Fuller:Hello all
martin boyle, Nominet:hi all: sorry I'm late
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning...
Kimberly Carlson:toll number +1 213 233 3193 for Adigo, toll free 1800 550 6865 (US)
David McAuley:I think these look good
Ben Fuller:No comments, I like the added clarity
Mirjana Tasic .rs:It looks good for me too
David McAuley:Thanks for numbers Kim - had a faulty charging connection, fixed it and now charging phone - should call in shortly
David McAuley:Seems like sensible suggestion by Martin
David McAuley:am dialing in now
Ben Fuller:Post 1 October 2016, the liaison post will become more important because of the need to communicate between members of the EC
David McAuley:Good point Martin, that is how it worked in CCWG on Accountability, at least as it appeared there
Stephen Deerhake:Quite correct Ben.
Bart Boswinkel:Looking at teh criteria, broader ccTLD community is included
Bart Boswinkel:further soem non-ccnso members know more about the cc`nSO then members
David McAuley:None here
David McAuley:I saw a few typos in our current council election guideline (e.g. “neither” in section 4 probably ought to be “either”) – would be happy to read through again and send some suggested typos and fixes to list
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1iKsEwSYh4BqaMM-5FDyhtHwZfH-2DvejUj5BeiMO5AqK8VA_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=RBZ1NMfsu3ohQmcqmkWv-IKKm8cx2hdv3ce_rsim7m4&s=fyTmksoNmFA_XF6jMP0cvRlSTXEpxANSVBiCzj3JL84&e=
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, in practice that makes sense - hard to imagine otherwise
David McAuley:Thanks for updated link Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:No problem David :)
David McAuley: Agree that dates seem a concern - Call for election late August and then call-for-election plus 11 weeks and 2 days to announce winners - this timeframe seems not to work for seating member at end of Annual meeting
David McAuley:Agree with Katrina
David McAuley:timeline needs to be clearer
David McAuley:have we had self-nominations in past?
Stephen Deerhake:We did?
David McAuley:thanks Katrina - have they been problematic
David McAuley:If we did include them maybe we should require two seconds for a self-nomination
Joke Braeken:Yes, even during the last round. See the report here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.google.com_url-3Fq-3Dhttps-3A__ccnso.icann.org_about_elections_special-2Delection-2Dreport-2D31oct16-2Den.pdf-26sa-3DD-26ust-3D1485775811450000-26usg-3DAFQjCNEExN5qPk-2DOnPLTCKMZdr3juzfPwg&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=RBZ1NMfsu3ohQmcqmkWv-IKKm8cx2hdv3ce_rsim7m4&s=07y3k3g6dpjAOjlk0VhUWCFfbUCRi1SmOyKA-VwP_0w&e=
Stephen Deerhake:NA, being so small, basically self-organizes and fills any NA vacancy without the formality of an election. This is because if a candidate is proposed and seconded, they have 3 votes out of 5.
David McAuley:arrrgh - phone battery just died again - on aduio only now
Bart Boswinkel:This is also happening in other regions
martin boyle, Nominet:but loads of self nominations + seconder?
Bart Boswinkel:as well although they have more members
Bart Boswinkel:@ MArin : no slef-nominations + secondmenets
Bart Boswinkel:to date only accepted as candidates: nomination + seconder
martin boyle, Nominet:self nominations still need a seconder?
Bart Boswinkel:(nomination for other ccTLD)
martin boyle, Nominet:if they were accepted
Bart Boswinkel:That is the question for this group
martin boyle, Nominet:but two seconders might be a good way around
Ben Fuller:I agree that a self nomination should then be seconded by another ccTLD
Stephen Deerhake:+1 @Ben
Bart Boswinkel:@ Ben that is always the case
David McAuley:+1 @Ben, @ Stephen
Bart Boswinkel:So mechanisms with self-nomnation + 2 Seconders?
Bart Boswinkel:from region
Ben Fuller:OK Katrina
David McAuley:I like 2 seconds myself, for self-nominations
martin boyle, Nominet:@ David + 1
Stephen Deerhake:@David +1
Ben Fuller:Like the idea David
David McAuley:Such a move in a 3 year term would not be unusual -
Stephen Deerhake:In response to Bart's comment, permit them to complete their term but not stand again?
David McAuley:I would think such a move might not be reason for deselection
martin boyle, Nominet:good idea, Katrina
Stephen Deerhake:Recalling Council members ought to be included.
David McAuley:I like the idea of regional recall in extraordinary circumstances
Stephen Deerhake:(By their region only)
Ben Fuller:Pandora's Box, Katrina? :-)
Katrina Sataki:;-)
David McAuley:That I think would be a problem Bart, where councilor is made to feel he/she represents a particular ccTLD rather than a region
David McAuley:For instance, what is a councilor retires while serving and leaves ccTLD that way - not disqualifying I would think, would not want to lose that person's service
David McAuley:"what if" that is
David McAuley:I would be open to change depending on bylaw, what it allows
David McAuley:to Alejandra's question - it seems the current timeline does not work
David McAuley:good point Bart, the transition period would be important
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Totally agree on transition period.
David McAuley:Nice suggestion Bart
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:+1 Bart's suggestion to include both paths
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Travel Funding Guideline: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_15AZSOkOSfbOK5qZdog-5Fc8MP-2DgtHPpSrtZq4UYyDzcdo_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=RBZ1NMfsu3ohQmcqmkWv-IKKm8cx2hdv3ce_rsim7m4&s=uIBfSeYd53HjHOFXl-4YIPEcCsyV1-88JlXU7axNcWI&e=
Joke Braeken:katrina, one comment
Joke Braeken:sorry, i cannot raise my hand
Stephen Deerhake:I don't care but it needs to be harmonized -either fiscal or calendar.
Ben Fuller:I suggest fiscal year so we keep in sync with the budget
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:+1 @Ben
David McAuley:Do we mean something like not more than two consecutive meetings? or two out of any four?
David McAuley:any four consecutive, that is
martin boyle, Nominet:i think i agree with Katrina: there might be reasons why you want someone to attend consecutive meetings
Ben Fuller:Katrina is making a good point. We might want a little wiggle room so we can override any limit if there is a compelling reason
David McAuley:good point Katrina and Ben
Stephen Deerhake:If you have a region where 2 councilors are funded by their (large) registeries, and the 3rd member is from a small registry, why restrict the # of times that 3 councilor is funded per year?
Stephen Deerhake:(This was the case in NA for a year; no longer so)
David McAuley:This is a tricky one as Katrina said earlier
David McAuley:none here
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:nop :)
Stephen Deerhake:None
martin boyle, Nominet:I am away until 18 February without e-mail or Internet access. So I will be very quiet for a change! Please record apologies.
David McAuley:bring your valentines
Kimberly Carlson:13 February @13:00 UTC
Stephen Deerhake:Martin, I hope it is someplace warm...
martin boyle, Nominet:yup
David McAuley:who approved that, Martin
martin boyle, Nominet:I'll try hard
martin boyle, Nominet:to
Kimberly Carlson:Thanks Martin, noted
Ben Fuller:Bye all
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! Bye
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all
Kimberly Carlson:thanks all bye
David McAuley:Thanks all, good bye
Joke Braeken:thank you all. bye!
Katrina Sataki:Thank you!!! Bye!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all