9 January 2017

9 January 2017

Participants:  Stephen Deerhake, Alejandra Reynoso, Christelle Vaval, Martin Boyle, Ben Fuller, Mirjana Tasic, Katrina Sataki

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke Braeken

Apologies:  Maarten Simon, David McAuley, Dejan Dukic


1. Welcome and roll call (Katrina)
2. Guideline ccNSO Council practices next steps (Katrina)
3. Empowerd Community related Guidelines (Stephen)
4. Next steps ccNSO Council Elections (Alejandra) see: Council Election Procedure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iKsEwSYh4BqaMM_DyhtHwZfH-vejUj5BeiMO5AqK8VA/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]
5. Travel Funding Guideline ( Joke) see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15AZSOkOSfbOK5qZdog_c8MP-gtHPpSrtZq4UYyDzcdo/edit?usp=sharing
6. ccNSO Guideline: Liaisons. Next steps (Katrina) see email Katrina 19 December
7. Issues encounterd with respect to Guideline Specific Review teams (Katrina) (Operating Standards, Nomination )
8. AOB
9. Next calls:
• 30 January 2017, 13.00 UTC
• 13 February 2017, 13.00 UTC


Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Good morning, Stephen
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning Kim. Are you up earlier than I am?
Kimberly Carlson:yes, occupational hazard
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:to me is 6:52 am ;)
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, Alejandra and Christelle
Christelle Vaval:good morning
Kimberly Carlson:Same time for me :)
Stephen Deerhake:Hi Joke.
Joke Braeken:hello everyone!
Ben Fuller:Happy New Year everyone
Kimberly Carlson:Happy New Year
Katrina Sataki:Hello! :)
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello everyone, Happy New Year
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Happy new year :)
Christelle Vaval:Happy New Year!
Ben Fuller:I agree with Stephen on the rejection actions as a priority. Let's try to get it in good shape by Copenhagen.
martin boyle, Nominet:me too: Ben +1
Mirjana Tasic .rs:mee to
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Agree
Ben Fuller:I will work with Stephen
Stephen Deerhake:Thanks all.
Ben Fuller:Do we need self-nominations?
Stephen Deerhake:I do not think an application is sufficient. Membership should be the requirement.
Joke Braeken:3.4 mentions the following, regarding voting:"To be eligible to vote, a ccNSO membership application must have been received by no later than 00:00 UTC on the date of the call for nomination and approved by the ccNSO Council one day before the election period opens (date call for nominations + 5 weeks and 6 days)."
Joke Braeken:Date to call for Nominations is deadline for ccTLD manager to apply for ccNSO membership so as to be able to nominate candidates;
Ben Fuller:I agree with Katrina, we should follow the Bylaws
bart bsowinkel:(d) (i) the regular term of each ccNSO Council member shall begin at the conclusion of an ICANN annual meeting and shall end at the conclusion of the third ICANN annual meeting thereafter;
Ben Fuller:Good Point Martin
bart bsowinkel:Langauge from th eBylaws
bart bsowinkel:Q7A session at the second meeting
Stephen Deerhake:We should as a Community push back on the B meeting format if it is not meeting our requirements...
Ben Fuller:People can submit questions beforehand and/or participate remotely so the June/July meetings for the Q&A should not be a problem.
martin boyle, Nominet:do we need to change the bylaws, then if we decide on practical grounds
martin boyle, Nominet:i know: why I asked!
bart bsowinkel:There ar eother sections in the bylaws which ar enot followed literally
martin boyle, Nominet:yes, but it might be a question on legitmacy?
Ben Fuller:IN the new EC environment, we need to make certain that we follow the Bylaws because there could be legal challenges
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I think we have to decide on pratical ground
Ben Fuller::-D
martin boyle, Nominet:lovely image!
martin boyle, Nominet:nope
Stephen Deerhake:not better.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bart we cannot hear you
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Not really Bart, you sound like underwater
martin boyle, Nominet:head in his pillow!
bart bsowinkel:I agree that accountability and legitamact ar eimprotant
bart bsowinkel:but hat does not mean that you need to follow the Bylaws liteterally as long as all agree you divert
bart bsowinkel:meaning members and Council
bart bsowinkel:i.e on an agreed interpretation
Stephen Deerhake:Any deviation needs to be explictly laid out before the Community however.
bart bsowinkel:Yes
Stephen Deerhake:ccTLD Community?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:ccTLD broader community is a good choice
Stephen Deerhake:+1 Alejandra
martin boyle, Nominet:@Stephen + 1
bart bsowinkel:Suggest to include point of discussion as note in current version of the COuncil Elction Guideline , and tehn circualte to COuncil first and then to community as point for discussion
bart bsowinkel:This is again one of those area's the Bylaws and practice divert
martin boyle, Nominet:just to note that I am away on the 13th Feb
martin boyle, Nominet:so apologies in advance
martin boyle, Nominet:forget me?
martin boyle, Nominet:;-)
Ben Fuller:Bye all
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
martin boyle, Nominet:thanks all and bye
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! Bye :)
Katrina Sataki:thank you! bye!
bart bsowinkel:Bye all
Joke Braeken:Bye all
Christelle Vaval:bye