23 October 2017

23 October 2017


Participants: Katrina Sataki, Alejandra Reynoso, Ben Fuller, Christelle Vaval, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Martin Boyle, Mirjana Tasic, Stephen Deerhake

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, 

Apologies:  None


  • Welcome and roll call
  • Slides Abu Dhabi
  • Rejection Action Procedures: discuss feed-back
  • Draft ICANN Specific Review Operating Standards
    • Process to provide comments and feedback
    • Initial items/concerns for discussion in Abu Dhabi
  • Update Board Nomination Guideline: address issues nomination to date
  • Uniform Framework CCWG is it usable for the ccNSO?
    • Background material: Process flow and User guide
  • Agenda Abu Dhabi
    • Identify Work items and schedule until ICANN61
    • Rejection Action
    • Operating Standards
    • Other?

Recordings:  Mp3


Chat transcript:

Stephen Deerhake:Good morning.
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Stephen
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning to Joke as well
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Mirjana
Joke Braeken:good morning to you Stephen. Hi Kim!
Joke Braeken:hello everyone.
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hi all
Stephen Deerhake:Morning Martin. Thank you for all the comments on the draft Rejection Guideline.
Stephen Deerhake:Morning Bart.
Martin Boyle:Good afternoon all
Martin Boyle:@Stephen: thoought you'd like to know that someone was reading it after all your effort.
Martin Boyle:And a good job, too
Stephen Deerhake:Thanks Martin.
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome all
DAVID MCAULEY:Good day all
DAVID MCAULEY:I just read slides this weekend - they look good, as usual
Ben Fuller:Afternoon all
Joke Braeken:copenhagen
DAVID MCAULEY:IPR - IRP - aye yay yay
DAVID MCAULEY:maybe stress testing
DAVID MCAULEY:not that i can think of
Stephen Deerhake:Looks good to me.
DAVID MCAULEY:i wish i could make slides that look as nice
Mirjana Tasic:It looks fine for me
DAVID MCAULEY:On rejection action - Stephen, I think I saw an extra word in the first paragraph of … “committees that, which ..”
DAVID MCAULEY:I agree with Martin’s comment that we should consider appointing a deputy to these positions given the short time for actions
DAVID MCAULEY:Truly an amazing document, taking on incredible complexity and making it workable
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you David. I agree that a #2 would be useful. I will include that in the next version.
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Bart.
DAVID MCAULEY:Many thanks Bart and Stephen - it helps a lot
Stephen Deerhake:Happy to entertain questions of course.
Martin Boyle:much easier to see within the sub-sections
DAVID MCAULEY:checklists are great - especially in such complex waters
DAVID MCAULEY:I think I also agree with Martin about concern with majority vote, see That would be a 10-8 vote, no?
DAVID MCAULEY:If we made it 60% needed that would work out to 11-7 vote and perhaps that makes more sense.
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you for the clarification Martin.
DAVID MCAULEY:Thanks Bart - 5.2 and 5.3 seem good and clear now and in proper balance w/bylaws
Stephen Deerhake:Annex D is fundamental Bylaw. I doubt it will change...
Stephen Deerhake:I can provide a reference section for the future maintainers...
Bart Boswinkel:The RACI approach?
Bart Boswinkel:responsible , accountable , inform, consult
DAVID MCAULEY:Thank you Stephen, it works
Martin Boyle:fine
Martin Boyle:so long as we do have time to read it
Martin Boyle:!
Stephen Deerhake:Understood Marting.
DAVID MCAULEY:Lots of reading for Abu Dhabi
DAVID MCAULEY:Thanks Joke - makes sense
Martin Boyle:I must say I liked the GNSO work
Martin Boyle:It made the whole processmuch easier to understand
Stephen Deerhake:Looks like something straight out of an IBM S/360 Operator's Manual circa 1970-71... ;-)
Martin Boyle:@ Stephen :-D
DAVID MCAULEY:where is the 'miracle happens' box?
Stephen Deerhake:Bye alll!
Kimberly Carlson:safe travels, bye
Ben Fuller:bye
Mirjana Tasic:Bye
DAVID MCAULEY:Many thanks Katrina and Bart and all
Stephen Deerhake:Safe travels.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Have a safe journey to Abu Dhabi! :)
Martin Boyle:bye and thanks