ALAC & GNSO Meeting Agenda

ALAC & GNSO Meeting Agenda

From Justine:

For DNS Abuse
Goal is to discuss the GNSO Council Small Team on DNS Abuse's work. I believe at this point, the GNSO small team will have their report/recommendations ready to present to Council at ICANN75. This joint session comes immediately after the Council meeting, so it will be up to Mark and/or Paul to relay Council's deliberation/decision to this joint meeting,

So, we will need:

  • ALAC/At-Large: JZ, AG, JC, and anyone who has been keenly following the GNSO small team's deliberations. 
  • GNSO: their small team members - Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady (as co-chairs), Sebastien Ducos, Greg DiBiase, Maxim Alzoba, Thomas Rickert, Philippe Fouquart, Tomslin Samme Nlar, Juan Manuel Rojas, JC
  • Support staff from both sides

For pilot Holistic Review ToR
Goal: I will ask SeB and CLO to help flesh this out a bit more but my understanding is SeB wanted to understanding Council's interim feedback to the ToR.

So, we will need:

  • ALAC: SeB, CLO, and perhaps the other 3 ATRT3 shepherds (ask SeB)
  • GNSO: GNSO leadership has yet to identify/indicate their leads/participants
  • Support staff from both sides