ALAC & GAC Meeting Agenda
ALAC & GAC Meeting Agenda
00:00 - 00:10 Introduction and welcome, GAC/ALAC Chairs
00:10 - 00:20 Internet Fragmentation, the DNS and ICANN [ALAC speaker: 5’; GAC speaker: 5’]
00:20 - 00:30 Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs and Closed Generics-ALAC's Participation in the facilitated dialogue with the GNSO Council and GAC [ALAC speaker: 5’; GAC speaker: 5’]
00:30 - 00:40 Local cross-community cooperation - good practice examples [ALAC speaker: 5’; GAC speaker: 5’]
00:40 - 00:55 Q&A
00:55 - 01:00 Summary and wrap up
TBC - Joint Capacity Building Session ALAC & GAC