ICANN 32 - Paris Meeting - June 2008
32nd International ICANN Meeting - Paris, France
At-Large Community Schedule of Events and Resources Page
Paris Documents
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Paris Travel Information
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Meetings Schedule - At-Large Community
Saturday, 21 June
21 June 2008 0900 - 1200 Jacob Room EURALO Board Meeting
21 June 2008 GA 1400 - 1700 Jacob Room EURALO General Assembly
Summit-WG:21 June 2008 1730 - 2000 Jacob Room At-Large Summit PrepCom
Sunday, 22 June
22 June 2008 GNSO 0845 - 1000 Rodin Room ALAC / GNSO Council Joint Session
22 June 2008 1015 - 1830 Rodin Room ALAC/ At-Large Policy and Planning OneDay #3
Monday, 23 June
23 June 2008 1000 - 1130 Rodin Room Workshop: Internet end-users and the Transition from IPV4 to IPV6
23 June 2008 ccNSO 1300 - 1400 Rodin Room Joint ALAC / ccNSO Meeting (closed)
Tuesday, 24 June - Constituency Day
24 June 2008 0700-0800 Rodin Room APRALO Monthly Meeting
24 June 2008 0900-1000 Rodin Room At-Large Regional Secretariats
24 June 2008 BO 10:30 - 12:30 Rodin Room At-Large Community with ICANN Board Members
24 June 2008 GAC 1230 - 1400 Picasso Room ALAC / GAC Joint Session
24 June 2008 1530 - 1700 Rodin Room At-Large Advisory Committee
24 June 2008 NCUC 17:00 - 18:00 Jacob Room ALAC/NCUC Joint Meeting
Wednesday, 25 June
No At-Large events scheduled to allow community members to attend workshops.
Thursday, 26 June
26 June 2008 RRC 08:30 - 09:30 Rodin Room At-Large Community / Registrar Constituency Meeting
26 June 2008 1100 - 1200 Rodin Room At-Large Community - Meeting on At-Large Summit Proposal
26 June 2008 SSAC 1300 Jacob Room Joint ALAC / SSAC Meeting (closed)
Selected main meeting sessions that may be of interest to At-Large Community members
You may also wish to refer to the main ICANN Meeting Schedule.
Monday 23 June
1000 - 1230: Workshop; Presentation of Recommendations of IDNC WG for IDN Fast Track Process
> The work of the IDNC Working Group to produce a Fast Track process for introduction of IDNs will be presented and discussed.
1330 - 1530: Workshop: JPA Presentation and President's Strategy Committee Presentation
> The main workshop at the Paris meeting to discuss the completion of the multi-stakeholder model of ICANN and the future of the organisation after the ending of the JPA with the US Government.
1500 - 1630: Workshop: At-Large Review
> The main public session to discuss the At-Large Review and the Draft Final Report presented by the review team.
Wednesday, 25 June
1300 - 1400: GNSO Improvements Implementation
1400 - 1530: Workshop: Board Governance Committee At-Large Review Working Group Discussion
> Workshop involving the Board members responsible for the ALAC Review process and an open discussion in detail of the recommendations in the Draft Final Report>
Thursday, 26 June
*900-1200: Workshop. IDNs
> This workshop will provide detailed information about the IDNA protocol. The IDNA protocol is a mechanism to handle non-ASCII characters in domain names in a standard fashion, and it is currently under revision. The protocol is allowing Internet applications, such as browsers, to use domain names with non-ASCII characters by converting them to ASCII labels that the DNS will understand and process. As such the protocol provides the foundation of what characters are considered valid and can be used in IDNs. On top of the protocol restrictions, registry operators will supply additional registration policies to eliminate for example confusion between two visually identical domain names, as much as possible.
The protocol revision is done by the IETF, and as speakers in this session we have the main authors of the proposed revised protocol. They will provide you with important information about what changes are proposed compared to the current version of the protocol, and why these changes are necessary.
1300 - 1430: Workshop: Translation Programme
> This workshop will allow members of the community to hear about developments in the implementation of multilingualism in ICANN, and to see more details of the more than 200 responses to the translation survey conducted in advance of the Paris ICANN meeting.
> Find here all events related to the GNSO: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/gnso-paris-schedule-jun08.pdf
IRC backchannel: irc://chat.icann.org#icann-general-discussion
ALAC backchannel: irc://chat.icann.org#alac
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-06-21 13:22:46 GMT